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"EVRENNN FFS HEAL MEEEEEEEE USE YOUR JEAN AND HEAL. ME." "GIVE ME LIKE A MINUTE" "I'M AT LIKE A HUNDRED HP" Yup. That's me and my friend Cynthia. If you read the other book, you might be thinking, is that The Voices Cynthia? Yes it is. They're the reason I'm self aware. Oh yeah, I just became self-aware like an hour ago, so idk if you guys can even see this. I'm not self aware enough to know what the past chapters say, but I do know that I'm an OC and that the author was tempted to make this a classic [Y/N] story, but chose not to.

After the domain fiasco, we ended the call and logged out of Genshin. Hoo boy, I am not ready for the next chapter at all, cause the next chapter is going to be blinding, literally. And I feel a sl..e..e...zzzzzz.


8:19 am
149 words

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