Chapter 1: Mondays

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My eyes glitched open as I heard my Google Home's alarm go off, I groaned as I got out of bed and dismissed it. A yawn snaked out of my mouth as I waddled over to my closet to grab my clothes; a white polo, black pants, and my favorite grey hoodie.
I wondered out of my room to get breakfast, by the time I was putting my bowl in the sink, I heard my little sister get up. Not surprising, she's always up late. "Morning, Zee" I nodded up, she groaned in response, "Sheesh, you stay up late last night playing Roblox?" I giggled as I grabbed my phone from my moms room, she keeps it there at night so I don't stay up late like my little sister, still confused on how she always has her iPad.

20 minutes later, I'm at the door with my shoes and backpack playing Subway Surfers, waiting for my 2nd alarm to go. I hear Zee from across the room, I look over and she looks like a zombie, "Damn- are you good?" I ask, "Hell no, it's Monday and the first day of school!" "Hey, 7th grade isn't that bad." "Shut up, Freshman" I laughed and checked my phone, "10 minutes, we can just play some gam—" my phone rang, it was my boyfriend, Koda, so I picked up, "Hey love!" I answered, "Morning, how are you?" "Nervous and excited" he chuckled, "Well it's your first year in high school, I don't doubt it."

A few minutes go by and my alarm rang, "Hey, gotta go, love you!" I hung up grabbed my bag on the way out. I speed-walked to my bus stop, Zee's bus doesn't come until I'm at school. I see two of my idiot friends and wave, "What up?" I yell, "Hey stupid!" Says my friend Isabella, "Hey! I got FNaF reinstalled, wanna play to wait?" Ellington announces, his name is Ellington but we call him Pierre, his last name. "Hell yeah! How could I say no?"
Around 5 minutes go by and we hear the bus coming, Pierre quickly packs his computer and throws on his bag, "Good luck in high school," "And you with 8th grade, my man." We high-five like kids and I hop on my bus with Isabella and the majority of the other kids at the stop. I sat at my old seat and waited to get to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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