Chapter 37

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Alisa: I found your birth certificate. Sleep and take someone with you to view it tomorrow afternoon.

Amber: Why do I need to bring someone?

Alisa: You'll see. Make sure you bring someone Hawthorne.

Amber: Why Hawthorne?

Alisa: There will be some explanation needed. Bring as many people as you want.

Amber: I'll bring Xander. 

Alisa: Bring Nash with you as well.

Amber: I will.

I fell asleep sitting on the couch. When I woke up that morning I showered and I got changed. I applied my make-up and ran out of the room. I ran and I ran then I bumped into Avery. "Hi Ave"

"Hi Amber. We found the answer we just need to look for the location."

"Cool. Where is Xander?"

"I don't know"

"Ok byeee." I ran off. I needed to tell him. I needed to tell him about the certificate. I also needed Nash. He was in the dining room with Libby. "LIBBBYYYY!" I ran to her and squeezed her tight. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Thank goodness." I stood up straight and looked at the people on the table everyone was there except for Jameson, Avery and Xander. "Ummm. Nash."

"What's up" he always sounded so calm.

"I need you to come with  Xander and I this afternoon."

"Why me?"

"I was told that it would be best if you came."

"Ok kid."

"Thanks. Do you know where Xander is?"

"No haven't seen him today." I looked at everyone on the table Grayson was leaving. Skye wasn't her usual self. Zara was talking with Constantine and Nan. Skye wasn't talking. I looked at her and smiled. It was you. I mouthed at her. Her jaw dropped and she pretended to ignore me. Was I right? I went into the tunnels and Rebecca appeared behind me.

"Sorry I forgot that you come down here. I just needed to think." I said turning around to face her.

"You should know something."

"What should I know." silence. "Rebecca? What should I know?"

"The night your sister was shot at there was someone down here with Drake. I stayed hidden and I could see them."

"Who was the other person? Rebecca? It is ok you won't be in trouble. Who was it?"

"Are you sure?"


"I saw..." She gulped. "Skye"

"Skye? So she is behind this after all? You have to tell my sister."

"I will."

"Do you know where she is? Or where Xander is?"

"Up that ladder."

"Thanks." I climbed up the ladder and so did Rebecca. Avery was there. "Hi Ave."

"There you are."

"Yeah. What's up?"

"I need your face."


"Face recognition in that room." I walked into the room and stood on the spot that Avery gestured for. The door opened. "Did you do yours?"

"Yeah, I did the moment Xander and I found it."

"Ok. Where is Xander?"

"He went to get the rest of the boys." Rebecca popped out of the ladder. 


"Avery? What are you doing down here?"

"Where were you? The night of the shooting?"

Rebecca closed her eyes. "You don't know what it's like, to have your entire life revolve around one person, and then you wake up one day, and that person is gone."

They continued to talk as I stepped through the door that opened up. There were four panels. For four brothers. I hear Grayson's voice. Footsteps. A thump. I looked at the panels and the door. Grayson walked through the door to the room I was in. "Hi Grayson. I guess Rebecca told you."

"Did you know?"

"I had a feeling but I didn't know for certain until Rebecca told me."

"Why didn't you tell me? You should let me protect you."

"I should have but somethings are better left unsaid." I heard Avery talking. "Who is she talking to?" Grayson went out of the room and helped her out. He then went out himself. Nash and Xander came in. "Finalllyyy. There you are Xander."


"Alisa found it. She found my birth certificate and she said that someone needs to come with me. So I said you then she said bring Nash as well. I don't know why but. It is the end of the puzzle in a moment. That is what you told me. So we can start the new game this afternoon."

"That is brilliant. But I wonder why do you need someone and why Nash?" Nash popped out of the room and up Xander did as well so did I. But Xander helped me up.

"No! That isn't what this is. He wasn't making a point. He wanted all of us all four of us here. Together."

"The old man could be a real bastard, Xan."

"Thats not what this is" I walked up behind Xander and looked him in the face.

"You can tell them. The game is almost over. Remember what he said? Tell them"

"Tell us what?" Grayson said "Amber? Xan? What precisely are you saying.

"Go on. Tell them. It doesn't have to be a secret anymore." I stepped away from him and I looked at my phone wanting Alisa to contact me. I wanted to see the certificate.

"The two of you were walking around like ghosts. You were a robot, Gray. Jamie was a ticking time bomb. You hated each other." Xander said quickly.

"We hated ourselves more," Grayson said.

"The old man knew he was sick," Xander admitted. "He told me, right before he died. He asked me to do something for him."

Nash's eyes narrowed. "And what was that?"

Grayson's eyes stared into Xander's soul. "You had to make sure we played."

"It was my job to make sure you saw this to the end." Xander looked at his brothers. "Both of you. If either of you stopped playing, it was my job to draw you back."

"You knew?" Avery said. "All this time you knew where the clues led? You helped me."

"I am a living breathing Rube Goldberg machine. I warned you sort of."

"You were in on it?" Jameson said looking at me "Is that why you refused to tell me anything? Why you two were always together? Why you two said you already had the answers?"


"Why you?"

"Can we just get this over with? There is somewhere I need to be."

"Do you know why your grandfather chose me and my sister? Have you known all this time?"

"No. The old man didn't even tell me that you guys were in the will. I didn't know who you were. When I wrote the letters with the old man he just said that you and your sister were friends of my mothers. I was just meant to get Gray and Jamie here. Together."

"All four of us together."

"Not just the four of us. Clearly, this was a game for six." I jumped down the entrance of the room.

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