True Love's Kiss

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              I sat down in the center of my bed, stretching out. The Doctor moves to sit in the space beside me, his face showing unease. He isn't really sure where to start with this, but he tries. "So, the Tardis translated Gallifreyan for you," he said, it sounding more of a statement than an actual question, but I answer anyways. "Yes." He just sighs,"Why would you do that," he says looking at me but not really seeing me. It takes me a moment to realize he is speaking to the Tardis. "Can-Can she answer you back," I ask, not really sure what to expect. "Not necessarily. It's more of like a feeling I get from her, not so much words....just feelings trickling into the back of my consciousness," he tries to explain,"Do you understand what I'm getting at?" "Yes, yes I think I do." He smiles,"I should have known you'd understand. You're too smart for your own good." He laughs. I smile at him, waiting for him to continue. "You know, she likes you," he says, a smile in his voice. "The Tardis," he explains,"I think you're easily one of her favorite people. She quite enjoys your presence." I smile at that, and judging from the Doctor's face, he quite enjoys that the Tardis likes me. "Makes me feel like I made the right choice when I invited you along so long ago." "Well you obviously did,"I laugh,"I don't know where you'd be without me!" He just smiles,"Yeah, I'd be lost without you." He says, his voice taking on seriousness. I roll over onto my side so I'm facing him,"Will you speak to me in Gallifreyan? I want to know what it sounds like," I explain. "Don't you want to know why she translated it for you?" "Nah, lets just leave it at the miracle it is.....Love," I say, mocking him. He blushes,"Oooh, Doctor you sure can blush," I laugh. "Shut up, and I'll talk to you in Gallifreyan." I snap my mouth shut. "That's what I thought," he smiles. "What do you want me to say?" "Anything you like," I smile. He shifts himself on the bed and pulls my head into his lap. "This alright," he asks.....and was that a hint of nervousness in his voice? "Perfect," I smile, my head resting on his leg as I look up at his face. He thinks for a moment before smiling and beginning. When he speaks his voice.sounds like the tinkling of a child's laughter, the softest bells, and the tinkle of wind chimes. His voice was so beautiful, his native beautiful. I close my eyes and smile, just listening to him speak, when I feel his finger tracing the planes of my face. I don't open my eyes or even move, for fear of breaking him out of this wonderful state. When he finally stops talking he looks down and realizing what he's doing and tries to pull his hands from my face. Before he can snatch them all the way away, I reach up and grab his hand, pulling it back to my face. All the while, I'm still smiling. "Did she translate it for you," he murmurs, as his hand strokes my face. "No," I barely manage a whisper. He just smiles. "Why, what did you say," I say, still whispering. "Just how beautiful you were," he murmurs, not retracting the compliment. I smile and just let his hand roam my face, when his fingers pass over my lips. I shiver. His thumb starts tracing my bottom lip as he stares down at me. My breathing goes ragged, and I start breathing heavily. I can tell he is, too. He bends down, his face hovering over mine, his lips inches from mine. I suck in a sharp breath, as his lips crash over mine in a gentle kiss. Suddenly, the door opens and he pulls away just as quickly as he had kissed me. I open my eyes and sit up to find Tessa standing in the doorway, redfaced. "Um, sorry to interrupt," she says. I'm still breathing hard and so is the Doctor. He just looks at me, blushing, and excuses himself, practically running out of the room. I look after him in wonder as he pushes past Tessa and I bring my fingers to my lips. The memory of his lips on mine threatening to engulf me. My lips still tingling with the warmth of his, I look to Tessa. "I-I'm sorry," she stutters out. "No, no. It's fine," I smile, not being able to get over the fact that he had kissed me. Maybe Tessa was right. You don't kiss people you don't have feelings for like that. Oh, and what a kiss it was. I laugh, feeling giddy. Tessa closes the door and runs over to my bed, jumping up on it and landing beside me. "You all kissed," she practically shouted. "Shh," I quieted her as I giggled. "How was it?" I flop back on my pillow,"Amazing," I breathe. I roll over and prop myself up on my arm,"Have you kissed Jem before,"I ask. "Yes," she blushes. "Was he your first kiss," I ask. "No," she says, her face falling,"It was Will," she whispers, the pain evident on her face. "You know," I start, trying to be delicate, "it seems to me that you may be in love with Will." She just shakes her head in confusion but doesn't deny it, "But I also love Jem." I smile sadly, "It seems you have found two loves, most people are lucky enough to find even one. You will have to make a choice soon, though." "I've already made my choice. I'm marrying Jem." I sigh, "Because you love him or from fear of breaking his heart?" She stands up, "I-I have to go." I sigh, "Running away isn't going to stop the truth of my words." I say without mercy. Even after she's left the room I whisper after her, "I'm just trying to help you make the right choice." I lay back on my bed and remember the kiss between the Doctor and me all over again. I smile at the memory, until I remember how he ran out in a seeming panic. I hadn't noticed before.....but he had, he had run out. Not from the embarrassment of being caught but from fear. Had kissing me really been that horrible? I'm tempted to go down to his room and ask him what had happened, but I feared what the answer would be. I feared he would say it was a mistake, say it didn't mean anything, because it meant so much to me. Great, I was on the verge of tears now, Stop it, you've faced aliens, destroyed an entire race before! This should be nothing! Oh, but it meant so much. My eyes welled with tears before they finally slipped down my cheeks. I stuffed my face into my pillow, refusing to fight it, and sobbed. Suddenly, there was a tentative knock at my door before it opened. "Go away," I croak. "Rose," I hear the Doctor say, making more tears slip down my face. He comes up behind me, and I feel the bed settle as he sits down beside me, placing his hand on my back. "A-Are you crying, Rose?" I don't answer him but he grabs my shoulders and forcibly rolls me over. I notice I'm practically underneath him, his hands forcing me back into the bed. I attempt a smile, "Is now really the time," I say through my tears. He gives a small laugh, "My Rose, trying to flirt even when she cries." My Rose, my Rose, my Rose. My mind kept repeating it like a broken record. The Doctor cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away my still falling tears. "Why are you crying, Love?" I grunt in frustration, "I don't even know," I practically shout. He pulls me up and wraps his arms around me, and I bury my face in his chest. "Tell me what's wrong," he murmurs into my hair. I sigh and turn my face so he can hear me clearly. "After," I choke out, "After you kissed me you ran you were scared. Like you regretted it." His face turns to a look of horror, "No! No! I did not regret it. I actually....I actually liked it very much," he finished. "Then why did you look so scared?" He sighs, "Because you're human, I'm a Timelord. You'll grow old, while I can look the same for hundreds of years. You'll die, I'll regenerate," he says, sadly. "So, you really meant it when you kissed me?" "Of course I meant it," he says, his hands cupping my face more firmly, " I meant it more than anything in my entire nine hundred years." I smiled in relief. "How could you ever think I didn't mean it," he said, capturing my lips with his. He kissed me roughly yet firmly, and I loved every second of it. He kissed me until both of our lips were swollen and bruised before he finally stopped. He rested his forehead on mine, his eyes closed, "Rose Tyler, I love you."

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