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Olivia woke up to being gently shaken, grumbling as she slowly opened her eyes and looked to see it was her dad who smiled at seeing she had woken up. "Hey honey. It's Christmas, why don't you go see what Santa left for you? Maybe he left a hairbrush for ya." He motioned to her messy bedhead

"Very funny. Like you don't have a rat's nest when you wake up." Olivia sat up and stretched her arms out

Elvis laughed at that and helped the sleepy seven year old out of bed before going downstairs to the living room, presents overflowing from underneath the tree. Priscilla was sitting on the floor with Lisa Marie. Vernon, Larry and Charlie on the couch and the others were standing around

"Where's Mary?" Olivia rubbed at her right eye

"She insisted on making a special Christmas breakfast so she's working her magic in the kitchen." Elvis said

Olivia sat down by Priscilla with the help of Elvis who was still extra cautious because of her recovery and started opening her presents though really she didn't want anything for Christmas. She already had everything that she wanted. Her presents mostly consisted of more clothes, a plethora of books, writing materials and twenty dollars

"Thank you for the presents, Mr. Presley and Priscilla." Olivia said

"Don't thank us, sweetheart. Santa's the one who brought you the gifts." Priscilla said

"Not to be rude but I know you both got these gifts for me. I'm not three, I know Santa doesn't actually exist and the adults are the ones that do all the shopping for presents."

The couple exchanged surprised expressions for who knew a seven year old could be so knowledgeable about fictional characters but then again Olivia wasn't so ordinary

With a shrug of his shoulders, Elvis placed a present in front of Lisa Marie and helped his baby girl tear off the wrapping paper, Priscilla encouraging Lisa with each tug of the decorative paper. The infant had received mostly toys and clothes since there wasn't really much to get a baby, more so a baby that had everything

After everyone had opened their gifts, they went to the dining room where an array of gingerbread pancakes, french toast, chocolate muffins and blueberry waffles were displayed on the table. Everything smelled delicious and it certainly made one hungry by the minute. Priscilla got Lisa Marie settled in her height chair and everyone else sat around the table, filling their plates with just about everything that was to offer. No one started eating until after Elvis said grace, silence lingering in the room as they ate their Christmas breakfast. Mary had outdone herself again

The kids were sitting around the Christmas tree enjoying their presents and watching Christmas movies after their delightful meal. Elvis and Priscilla watched from the entryway of the living room. "Think they had a good Christmas?"

Priscilla leaned against her husband and wrapped an arm around his thin waist. "Yes though I don't know how you'll top next year." She said

"I don't know but I'm up for the challenge."

Lisa Marie toppled onto the floor as she held her new soft teddy bear and began to cry when Olivia helped her little sister sit up and offered a small chunk of gingerbread to her that she had been snacking on. Priscilla was in awe of how sweet Olivia treated Lisa and helped out with her like any loving big sister would

It was a little quiet at Graceland due to Elvis not being around, he was out of town for recording in which he wouldn't be home for a few weeks if everything went smoothly. Only some members of the MM went with him. Olivia had heard her father talking to Vernon about going away, how this would be a difficult trip for him to be away from his family after being at Graceland for several months now but he needed to provide for his family and he did love to sing

Fairytale- Elvis Presley FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant