Chapter 1- The Big Day

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As soon as the ringing of my alarm reached my ears, my eyes shot open with anticipation. Today was the day my life would change forever. I turned over to turn off the alarm then hauled myself out of bed. As I passed by my mirror, I looked into my reflection: Gold rays shone through the window on my long brown silky hair that brushed against my face. It looked like it was sparkling in the light, this made me smile. The sun was on my side, this was my big chance and although i was nervous, i felt confident in my talent. I took a deep breath. I was going to get this role.

For as long as i could remember, I wanted to be an actress. As a child I would perform shows to my family and friends, at 11 I joined the local theatre group. As soon as I finished school, I seized my potential and enrolled in the Edinburgh Performing Arts Academy. But it wasn't enough. I knew from the moment i walked into that school that i could do so much more. So much bigger, so much better. Hollywood was where i belonged.

So of course I saved up every penny, juggling school and multiple jobs, barely being able to get by. But it was all completely worth it. Because I was here: Hollywood, Los Angeles. My apartment was small but I didn't mind, it was right in the heart of the city and today was my big debut. After many auditions, I had a call-back for the lead part in a big upcoming movie (seriously big). They had been very secretive with what exactly the movie was, though it was made clear how important it was that they got the right person for the job, me.


After I finished getting ready, I headed out onto the streets of LA. Bustling people crowded the streets and the noises of the city were almost overwhelming. This was going to take some getting used to. Distracted by the buzz of the city, I accidentally walked into a man. He was tall and blonde, dressed casually but I could tell he was well-off with his fancy gold watch.

"I'm so sorry-" I managed to say before he cut me off.

He smirked. "It's fine." He looked me up and down before setting his gaze back on my eyes. "You wanted an autograph, right?"

I stared back at him. Who did this guy think he was? "Em.. no." I replied, narrowing my eyes.

He scoffed, his smile widening. "You don't have to hide it princess. I can tell you're a fan."

This guy was utterly full of himself and needed knocked back a peg or two. So that's exactly what I was going to do. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, I have absolutely no idea who the hell you are." I said, slightly louder than I had intended. "I bumped into you accidentally. I don't know or care about whatever you think you are famous for, so just back the fuck off. Okay?"

He flicked his eyes back at me, his smile had faltered a little but he was obviously trying to keep up his cool guy attitude. "Okay. Your loss."


As I continued walking I had the strange feeling that I did actually recognise him. His looks and his distinct almost raspy voice. It didn't matter though. He was still just a total jerk.

A Summer In Hollywood [Austin Butler X Sophia Sylvester]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang