I went a long road before I'm capable to admit how good I look. It required a lot from me, my family and my friends, but I'm finally there. Happy and honest with myself. That's all I've ever wanted.

I'm broken from my thoughts by my phone calling, stopping the song. I look down instantly and a grin appears on my face at the name. I grab my phone and answer the call without a second.

"Hey, sis!" I greet excitedly my older sister, Taylor.

Taylor as a Taylor Swift, yes. She's my older sister almost my whole life. Almost because I was adopted when I was two by Andrea and Scott. They all took me in with such a love and I became one of them as soon as I entered the house. So, maybe they weren't m family my whole life, but as long as I remember, I'm a Swift. Without a doubt.

"Hi, cowboy! How are you, Jay?" She greets me back in the same tone and I smile at the nickname.

She's the only one to call me that, it's a thing between us. When I was a kid, I was in love with horses my whole childhood until I fell from one. It was my own fault, but since then, Taylor keeps calling me cowboy. At first, I was annoyed, but now, I love it.

"Good, good. I'm stressed as hell, but I'm alright. I keep telling myself that it's not a big deal" I tell her truthfully, putting my phone on speaker and starting to styling my hair.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be great as always. Don't doubt your abilities, Jay. You're great, you got there by yourself and I'm so proud of you!" She reassures me and I blush a bit under so many compliments.

I only get like this with three people. Taylor, mom and my best friend, Hailee. The most important women in my entire life. Before the pandemic, on that list was another person, but didn't last long there.

"Thanks, Tay" I reply shyly. "How is the re-recording going?" I decide to ask her.

"Good, great! People are still blowing up about it, so it's a good sign. Maybe it won't be a total flop as I was thinking" She says and I chuckle. It's a family thing to doubt themselves.

"It won't, don't worry. The one thing that I learned over the years being your sibling is how much Swifties love you" I grin teasingly and she laughs softly. Then I look at the time and sigh. "Look, Tay. I need to go, I still need to dress before the driver arrives" I announce sadly.

I'd love to talk with her for longer. But I can't, besides I still need to call my mom. It's our thing before my games. Call to each others. It's not a real thing with Taylor, but she tries to usually call me. Dad and Austin try too, but with worse results than Taylor. Only mom never missed any call.

"Yeah, of course! Good luck tonight and text me when you're back in the hotel, okay?"

"Em, yeah. It'll be a little later than normally" I admit hesitantly.

"Oh, yeah? Why is that, Jayden?" I can hear the fucking smirk in the voice.

"Hailee is coming for the game with a friend and we're going out for a few drinks after" I tell her grudgingly and groan when she hums teasingly. "Stop being annoying! I need to go. I love you, bye"

"I love you, bye" She laughs and I end the call quickly.

I sigh as I look in the mirror, but smile softly at our interactions. My hair is done already, put into a tight bun. I look a last time on my phone before I walk to my hotel room to get dressed.

A little later, we're in our first colors, already on the field and ready to begin. The number 13 on my back that I'm wearing proudly.

I look around before my eyes fall on my favorite brunette. I smile widely, waving to her and she waves back instantly. I notice the blonde beside her and offer her a small smile. I'm really happy that she's here. I missed her like crazy and I can't wait to hug her. We didn't have a chance to see each other before the game, so I need to wait till the end. The blonde smiles back and I decide to take my position.

I stand near the ball, behind me stands number 6, Williams. Canada has a ball, so I'm just waiting for the moment for the game to start. And I don't to wait too long because a moment later, the referee whistles and the ball is in action.

I immediately run after it, but for now, I'm too far away to catch up before they kick out from their side. We fight over the ball a few time because we're more on their side in the first minutes, I even try to shoot a goal once, but they catch it. And then, they finally kick it on our side, so I slow down. It's not my time.

The first half passes without too much problem, it's safe, but I don't like that we don't have any goals. Around 76 minutes, we almost score a goal, but it hits the goalpost. I sigh in frustration. Just kick the ball in fucking net.

We start to passing the ball between three of us, but then one of the Canadian, practically push our teammate. I run and help her stand, shooting an angry glare at the opponent in the meanwhile. Purce and I nod silently to each other, meaning everything is okay. But it gives us a free kick.

Purce kicks hard, but they defend it with a head. It sends the ball straight to my feet, so I use this moment and run a bit to left before I kick the ball forward as hard as I can. Everyone misses the chance to defend it, their goalkeeper too and the ball falls perfectly inside the goal.

The stadium erupts in happiness. I lift my arms above my head and run straight into my teammate's arm. The team following my actions and we make a group hug with me in the middle.

Such a simple kick, but it gives us a win after all.


I'm sick person, I know. I got this idea few days ago and I just couldn't stop myself.

Please be aware of the warning I put in the chapter named 'read first'. The story contains polyamorous relantionship! 

This book is very secondary, I'm fully focusing on I Love You, but I just had the urge to write about Hailee and Florence. So I thought, why the hell not the both of them at the same time?

I'm still in Taylor Swift era, so ofc I had to connect my oc with her somehow. It just happened about being Taylor's sibling.

Please remember that I use they/them pronouns for Jayden, they're non-binary. If you see any mistake about this, let me know. I'm trying to give a good representation, but it's kinda new for me. So, I'm sorry if I do something wrong. Just tell me and I'll corect myself! Be kind:)

Tell me what you think about the idea!

I love you all and thank you for support<3

Published: October 6, 2022

Edited: October 19, 2022

Can't I Love You Both? - Hailee Steinfeld & Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now