Untitled Part 8

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Diablo was looking at us with such wide eyes, like those Tarsier monkeys. It was kind of hilarious!

"Is this some kind of joke?" He asks.

"I know it is hard for you to believe and I don't know how we can  prove our Earth ethnicity but we are from there."

"K. What are you doing?" Autumn asks me.

"Autumn, don't you get it? This man here knows a lot and it is impossible to get all the information out of him without revealing our identity. He will know it anyways. And we can't skip this chance either. Intel is important!"

"I freakin' knew it. You looked suspicious from the start. Tho you guys blend in well here but there was something off about you. Also Autumn you did cause a slip up there before." Diablo sharply looks at Autumn and says.

"Huh?" Autumn looked confused.

"How are you so sure that he went to Earth and didn't die accidentally?"  Autumn's mouth opens a little as the realization hits her.

"You said Earth but I hadn't yet said that name or told you anything about my wife. I just called it the other world. My suspicions of you raised that moment and I looked at you sharply! There could be 2 scenarios, one that you know about that world, and second, you are from there. That is exactly the reason I told you stuff about my wife which otherwise I would have not. To lure you, people, by information, to know your identity and that is exactly what happened!" Diablo gives us both a strong look!

What the frick! This freakin' OLD MAN is too damn cunning. Fu*k, I can't believe that we played right into his hands! Did I act impulsively, no, we still need the information! Hiding our identities when he is already suspicious would not have benefitted us much but still being outplayed by an old man? Lesson learnt! Old people's brains aren't as rusty as you think!

"We have told you now. Yes, we are from Earth. Tell us what all you know about Kwangya, about anything." I plead with him restlessly.

"First of all don't reveal that you are not from here. The majority of people in Kwangya don't know about Earth's existence but those who do, don't like you outsiders!

"Huh?" Autumn and I gasp.

"You people are the superior beings here in terms of physical power. Kwangya... has some supernatural.... elements that affect us living here. However, you people are ....immune to those!"

It seemed Diablo was unsure of what he was trying to say. He couldn't really explain but I saw it. I saw the look in his eyes that whatever he was trying to tell was indeed real, just unusual enough that the limited vocabulary that we possess couldn't do justice to describe the situation.

I should have read the dictionary more frequently and read novels but dude I hate reading! Like I see all those bibliophiles and I am like"Meh,Booooringg." Novels are just difficult to read with all that stupid jargon, and heavy words and the font of those words is also pretty small! I like visual entertainment more cause you don't need to use your brain as much to imagine. Things are already visualised for you. Moreover, the voice actors and other visual effects with their soundtracks make it all the more interesting!

Hey, no hate to bibliophiles! You people are pretty amazing too. It is just personal preference. Anyways enough of me digressing off the topic, Diablo is saying something really important and I should lend my ears all to that.

"Diablo, I am sorry but you are making me all confused. What powers, supernatural?" Autumn inquires. She looked puzzled with that little bit of frustration.

"I am sorry I just don't know how else to say this. You people have greater physical prowess". 

Something strikes me when he finishes saying that sentence. (Play the OST now)

I don't own the music. The credit belongs to the rightful owners. Taken from MattFromBKLYN's channel.

"This is the world where you will be tested and given judgements on. The world where all is possible, where human limitations are surpassed."

"This is KWANGYA" 

This is what Felix said to me before coming to Kwangya. The thing that captures my attention right now is where human limitations are surpassed. I  still don't get the tests and judgements he was talking about. Maybe surviving is the first test but how does that test me of my potential for success? Can I even trust his words?

I wonder what his real motives are for sending us here or am I just being paranoid? No, I shouldn't think much of it cause that won't change anything right now. I am already here. Also because of him, I am able to live my isekai dream and access the escape I wanted, the chance I always wanted! This world is exotic and spectacular, I am going to explore every bit of it!

I set my resolve and my eyes reflect determination! With this goal in my mind, I ask Diablo

"Can we meet with your wife?"

"Yes, we are pretty much clueless about this world and we want as much information as we can get. Please Diablo, we request you. Lets us meet with your wife." Autumn backs my statement.

Diablo looks at us and then agrees.

"I guess but I don't understand why you people from Earth keep interfering in our world. What is the need for people from these two worlds to search and enter that other society which is most probably a legend? Like you and I know it is true cause we have met each other but why others without proof are still so thrilled to chase something that might only exist in stories and imagination? Even if it is legit, why go there, leaving the peaceful life that you have been given here? 

Cause it didn't feel peaceful anymore is what I wanted to say.

"Which brings me to my next question, how did you even get here? Did you find the portal? Where did you first land when you came here?" Diablo continues. 

Damn this man spoke everything in one breath. I don't even know how to answer his prior questions. Am I supposed to tell him that a freakin' fallen angel opened it? Damn Felix, that guy just threw us here! He didn't give any disclaimer. How I remember his stupid 

 "Things are for you to find out yourself K, not for me to tell you everything."

Huh, like hell genius! You told me nothing! I was supposed to be taking a test here of my dreams and goodwill but here I am stuck between these 2 parallel realities that exist! Figuring out this humanity who feels familiar but yet not the same. And now that I know that we earthlings cannot reveal our identity too or we will get hostility in return.

I feel a headache coming. I head palm myself. I can't answer Diablo's question right now.

"Somebody opened the portal for us. We didn't know him. He was supernatural. Before we could realise what was happening, we were here. It was pretty fast for us to process." Autumn briefly answers carefully concealing the chance for 'the deserving one' discourse. 

I look at her and she passes me a reassuring smile. I smile back. Silently thanking her for taking over after sensing my discomfort.

"Please now Diablo, we are in a really vulnerable position right now. I believe talking to your wife would really help us." Autumn pleads.

We both look at him, silently requesting. Diablo looks at us heatedly then takes out a sigh!

"Fine. I will take you to Sarah, maybe this way I would get some answers too."

Autumn and I look at each other smiling, feeling grateful!

"Thank you," We say in unison.

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