Untitled Part 7

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While we were talking with the old man, he offered us some drinks and we went to a nearby small cafe. It was a small cute space that gave you a feel at home. It had an area with a soft carpet laid down with fluffy cushions on top. You could sit or even lay down there. We ordered some drinks and got to know that the man's name was Diablo.

Diablo was really fun to talk to and he was in his 70s. We introduced ourselves to him and talked about more stuff in this town. Apparently, this town has no museum but there is a big town library. This town is also the childhood home of a famous celebrity in this world.

It is weird how this is a town but it's called State A. Guess things work differently here. We talk more and I think about inconspicuously asking him about the origin of this world. I have to clearly think before approaching though. We can't have him being suspicious of us.

"What are your hobbies, Diablo?" I ask

"Hm.. I like reading and just learning you know. Quite boring, I would say"

"Agreed " is what I wanted to say but I didn't, dude I hate reading.

"What do you like to read the most about?" Autumn further asks

"Well, I read fiction but other than that I also read articles about various topics, I have also studied world history." Bingo! Here is my chance to drive the conversation now!

"Oh wow. Along with studying political movements around the world and other stuff, did you also study about like.. world origins? I carefully ask.

He looks at me for a while before looking off into space and then replying

"Yeah. I have read a number of theories and possibilities. But most of them are legends cause they haven't been really proven but considering the mysterious factors and experiences that people have encountered, I would say the legends do have accountability."

"Can you tell us those?" Autumn asks

He looks at us baffled.

"Why? This is like every household story. Your parents never told you?" He asks us clearly surprised and unbelieving.

"Our parents are realists. If what you are saying are legends, I am sure they would have never told them to us." I quickly defend. I just hope he buys this lame excuse.

He still seems to be apprehensive of us but nonetheless decided to tell us.

"I guess modern parents now don't give a care about those stories!" He says

"What are you talking about?' I am getting restless now. why doesn't he just say it?

"Fine, listen carefully then."(Play the OST now)

I don't own the music. The credit belongs to the rightful owners. Taken from MattFromBKLYN's channel.

"It is said that Kwangya is connected through a door, or some large portal to some other world. Our ancestors, thousands of years ago came from there to here. Why or how they came here and where the connecting portal to the two worlds lie is something that we don't know. They settled down here and established a civilisation. They were super knowledgeable. like they knew sciences and technology. They took no time to develop this world, it is said that Kwangya is very similar to the place where they came from, however, it is more mysterious and exotic! It has  elements that even they didn't understand."

Autumn and I were just concentrating on his words and never broke eye contact with him. The portal to Kwangya had already been opened once! Was it Felix that time too? No, it can't be, he didn't have the agency back then to open it! No wonder these people feel like one of us! We are the same humanity!

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