~ 13~ Beauty Ever After Wedding pt 1

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Warning This Story Will contain mature conversations between EH characters .  Not all will be sexual content . Briar Beauty x Hopper , etc . Skip if you don't wanna read it . 

Narrator : All of the students of ever after high dressed fairest for Briar Beauty wedding today . Head Master Grimm asked to the be the priest .

Head Master Grimm : Do you Hopper take Briar Beauty to be your lawful wed wife ?

Hopper : I do

Head Master Grimm : Do you Briar Beauty take Hopper to be your lawful wed husband ?

Briar Beauty : I do

Head Master Grimm : I now declare you husband and wife you may kiss the bride .

Female Narrator : Everyone cheers as Briar and Hopper kiss .

Melody Piper : Let's get this party started !

( Students Cheer )

Narrator : Mean while at the Evil Queen Castle
Dexter is trying to sneak Raven Queen out of her mother castle so she could make it to Briar and Hopper wedding .

Narrator : Raven Queen and Dexter run to the ever after high venue out of breath .

Ashlynn Ella : Raven !

Raven Queen : Ashlynn !

Apple White : Raven your back how did you make it out of your mother evil castle ?

Raven Queen : I had a little help from Dexter here .

Apple White : Aww ! Here is your outfit go change !

Narrator : Raven Queen runs to the venue bathroom to change . The lights start to flicker in the bath room . Evil Queen face pops up on the mirror .

Evil Queen : Raven! How dare you run out of my castle ?!

Raven Queen : I was not going to miss my friend wedding !

Evil Queen : Scoffs .Whatever you can come back in 5 months to finish your training .

Raven Queen : Okay

Female Narrator : Raven zips up dress then ties her heels . Raven Queen runs back outside to join her friends .Hopper grabs Briar by her waist while dancing to the music .

Narrator : Everyone enjoys the party while Raine sits there with her arms folded .

Daring : Raine what's wrong you don't like weddings ?

Raine : No I just don't have anyone to dance with that's all .

Daring : Grabs Raine hand

Narrator : Rosabella squints her eyes while watching Daring dance with Raine Rumple daughter .

Lizzie : Hey Rosabella

Rosabella : Hey Lizzie

Female Narrator : Everyone danced the night away as the time starting flying by quickly .

Female Narrator : Everyone danced the night away as the time starting flying by quickly

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