Chapter 15

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Here we see Max his home 

Max: *groan* why do I feel so small? 

Max looked at the mirror and saw himself as a 3 year old kid? 

Max: oh no...

Anya: what do you mean oh- who are you!? where is Max!? did you kidnap him!?

Max: Anya it's just me. 

Anya: oh then how did you turn into this. 

Max: once every 2 months, I turn into...this. Q_Q worst day of my life. 

Anya: is that permanent then? 

Max: no It's not only last's for a day.

Anya: but I thought you were a human besides that you are in the process of becoming an immortal. 

Max: nope when God/A/n created me there must have been side effects. which he never told me. 

A/N: I AM GENDERLESS REMEMBER THAT!? oops broke the 4th wall again. 

Max: huh did you hear that? 

Anya: nope not at all. *that's a lie* what are you gonna do next? I mean you still have work to do. 

Max: I'm gonna have to- 

Artemis: Max, you need to go to Olympus. 

Max's mind: It's always Bad timing!? 

Anya inside his mind: heh. 

Max's mind: if only you had a body, I would have strangled you. 💢

Max put's on his mask but it shrinks to his size

Anya: tsk tsk tsk... too bad. this is the advantage of being a system and spirit. 

Max's mind: Damn you. 

Later....At Olympus 

*knock* *knock* 

Zeus: you may enter. 

then they saw a little 3 year old kid 

The God's: =_= umm.. are you supposed to be someone else's kid?

Max: I'm not a kid okay, it's me max Lopez. 

Artemis: Max, did you make some God angry- 

Max: I did not, this happens all the time, for some reason. anyways what do you want me to do? 

Aphrodite: we just need you to do the paper work and ask us for our signature when you're done. you have 3 days and there's only 1 stack of it, so no need to rush. 

Max: ok then.

then he cutely walks over to the stack of papers, when he was trying to lift it he also cutely struggles which the God's can't help but love the scene 

Artemis: may I help Max. 

Max: sure. 

At home...

Artemis: where do I place them Max? 

Max: Just on the table. 

When she placed it she noticed that he had trouble climbing on the chair. 

Artemis: need help? 

Max: pls. 

Artemis picked him up and put's him on the chair,

Artemis: need any help on the paperwork? 

Max: no I can do this on my own, besides you have something else to do right?

Artemis: actually no, I was thinking of hanging out with you, cause you seem very lonely. 

Max was eerily quiet 

Artemis: I-I didn't m-mean it that w-way!? 

Max: it's okay, It's great that someone is accompanying me. 

she could tell he was smiling under that mask. 

Artemis: no problem. 

Later at night... it was raining

Max was done just needed the signature but he was too tired to do it and decided to sleep

Artemis: are you done? 

Max: yeah *yawn* can I sleep now.

Artemis: of course you deserve it. 

Max then lay's on the couch, then a thunderstorm struck which startled Max and hid on the blanket. 

Artemis: you okay Max? 

Max: yeah I-I'm o-ok- 

Thunder storm *noises* 

Max: eep! 

Artemis: you want someone on your side.

Max: yes p-please. 

Artemis the lay's down on the couch and Max tightly hugged her and calmed down and sleeps, Artemis took off his mask revealing his cute face. 

Artemis's mind: How can someone handsome, be this cute. Goodnight Max. 

Sorry I haven't been Publishing personal reasons 

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