Chapter 1

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A/N: Before starting this story, please read the disclaimer in the story details. Also please comment and tell me how it is! Bold parts are from the book.


'I think we're in Voldemort's wand' whispered Lily to the people around her as they were propelled forward through a dark tunnel. As the tiny dot of light drew nearer and nearer, her husband whispered near her ear ' We're going to see him Lily, our little boy, after all these years.' his voice breaking.

Lily held her breath as she was finally thrown out of the dark tunnel. Her eyes fell on Harry, and they misted over. Her little baby only fifteen months old when she had left him was now nearly fifteen years old. And here he was, fighting for his life, at only fourteen. She tried to say something to him, to convey how much she had missed him; but she couldn't. Instead, she murmured quietly ' Your father's coming Harry... He wants to see you... It'll be alright... Hold on...

Out of the corner of her eye she saw James fall out of Voldemort's wand and straighten up. He too looked ecstatic to see his son, who was the splitting image of him, but with Lily's eyes. He whispered to Harry, making sure Voldemort didn't hear. 'When the connection is broken, we will linger for only moments... but we will give you time... you must get to the Portkey, it will return you to Hogwarts... do you understand, Harry?' 'Yes.' Harry gasped. It was very obvious that he was struggling to hold on.

'Harry...' Cedric Diggory whispered. 'Take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my parents...' 'Yes' gasped Harry again. He was now struggling more than ever to hold on and they knew he would not be able to hold it for much longer.

'Do it now.' James whispered to Harry. 'Be ready to run... do it now.' 'NOW!' Harry screamed as he broke the connection. As much as they longed to, neither James nor Lily looked around for their son, they were too busy blocking Voldemort's gaze. Voldemort looked both angry and shocked as he tried to shoo them away. Then, everything went black.


A strange disturbance was taking place at Godric's Hollow. More specifically at James and Lily's grave. Cracks were appearing on the grave; and then with a loud CRASH! the grave broke open and James and Lily floated out of it, clearly unconscious and breathing, and landed softly on the dewy grass below them. Then with a loud CRACK! their bodies vanished and appeared in Dumbledore's Office the very same time as Harry and Cedric arrived at Hogwarts.


(For the sake of the story, McGonnagal (spelling?) will not spot them when she goes to leave Sirius there. Also, Harry will collapse while he tells Dumbledore what happened in the graveyard, James and Lily will be awake then and also questioned before Harry comes in.)


James groaned. He was aching all over. Then all the memories came flooding back to him... telling Lily to run... taunting Voldemort... then the flash of green light... However; he did not remember all those years watching over Harry and what happened in the graveyard. 'Harry' he gasped opening his eyes and sitting up, only to come face to face with two wands.

He looked to his left; and there was Lily sitting up with the same confusion on her face. 'Where's Harry?' They both gasped out frantically sitting up. 'Who are you?!' snarled Sirius. 'Padfoot its us, James and Lily, your best friends. 'No, you're not! James and Lily are dead!' 'Perhaps Sirius; we should question them with Veritaserum, instead of yelling pointlessly.' said Dumbledore pointedly.

He put three drops of Veritaserum on James and Lily's tongue, and their faces immediately relaxed to blank looks, indicating it was working.

'What is your name?'

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