88. Virtus et fortitudo

Start from the beginning

"Jamie" she said wide eyed, not enjoying the grin on his face.

"Just open it" he replied.

She shook her head, "I can't. Where'd you even get this?"

"My vault- it was- will you just open it" he answered.

Spencer let out an exasperated breath.

"Open it."

She opened it, taking the bracelet out and admiring it.

"Jamie this is too much" she shook her head.

"Look" he drew her hand closer to him.

He ran his palm above the band, suddenly a phrase appeared.

Virtus et fortitudo, carved into it.

"Courage and strength in Latin... my house words" he said as they both stared at them. Harry looked up at Spencer, "it was my moms... my dad gave it to her and now I'm giving it to you. I want you to have it" he smiled.

"Jamie" she said softly. "I-"

"You can and you will... I want you to have it" he nodded. "When you think about it, we gave it for the same reason. You're my family and I want you to know it" he shrugged.

"Jamie I know it- I don't need-"

"Happy belated, Spence" he reached for her hand.

"Thank you" she whispered, dragging her finger along the band and making the words disappear. "Thank you Jamie" she teared up.

"I'm sorry I- I didn't mean for you to cry" he looked around.

"No it's okay," she laughed, "they're happy tears."

He smiled before walking around to her side and hugging her.

"God" she sniffled.

"Do I smell or something?" he tried pulling away.

"No just-" she shook her head laughing, hugging him tighter. "I love you so much."

"I love you" he rubbed her back. "And I'm sorry for getting you a gift" he laughed.

She shook her head giggling, looking at him. "You're the only one who'd apologize" she smiled, caressing his cheek. "Thank you" she smiled.

"Okay okay enough crying" he laughed.

"I love it" she nodded.

The two finished their work and headed to their rooms.

As Spencer went into hers, she saw a note on the fridge.

Cleaning my office, will be back later.
Made muffins,

Spencer looked at the counter top behind her before grabbing a vanilla muffin and eating it.

We are out of chocolate.

Said another note beside the muffins.

She laughed.

She took a shower, put on a tank top and pijama pants before she decided to put on a hoodie and make her way towards Remus.

"Helloooo" she said as she went into his office. She sneezed, "oh god why is it so dusty in here?" she laughed.

"Well no one occupies this space, I wonder why" Remus laughed. "You showered" he noted.

"Yes, smell me" she walked closer to him.

"Honey, I smelled you when you turned the corridor" he smiled, kissing her cheek. "Very lovely."

She chuckled, "when are you coming back?"

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