The Sun, Moon, and Whatever is: Colt Grice

Comenzar desde el principio

"Do you hate me?" He squeaked out.

You choked. This is that kind of conversation? Of course it is. Of course he would start it off like this. Oh god, why do men?

You hesitated to answer, not actually sure how to respond. You didn't hate him, however you were mad at him for being petty and immature. Failing Eren was a dick move. You still couldn't bring yourself to hate him though, hate is a strong word. You didn't hate anyone in the world, not even Reiner, not even Hitch. You were annoyed at Colt. Very annoyed.

You wanted an explanation.

So right now, instead of answering with a yes or no you gave Colt backstory. "Colt....if I'm being honest-"

"I totally get it if you hate me." He cut you off.

He fucking cut you off again. This guy.... Halloween night he cut you off so many times that you gave up even trying to speak. Not tonight Colt Grice, if this conversation was happening it was happening your way.

"If you cut me off again, I will hate you." You snapped into the phone. Then waited through an uncomfortable silence for his response.

"Sorry." You heard him mumble into the phone. "It's a bad habit."

At least he's self aware. "I don't hate you Colt. I just don't...get you?" You rolled over in your bed, getting ready to let it out. "So many things you've done are just so weird to me. I don't know what to think...." You trailed off, not knowing what to say next.

There was a pause on the other line, an awkward silence. You wondered what kind of expression the blonde had written on his face. "I don't get me either..." 

Before you could process your words, your mouth began to move. "You failed Eren and not me. Why? You didn't just fail him either, you fucking ripped him to pieces!" You had not anticipated getting worked up over it tonight, but here you were - letting it all out. "You gave the smartest guy in our class a fucking 64 on his near perfect test, no - his actually perfect test. Then gave me a 100 when all my damn answers were copied and two of them were wrong too. You took off points for legibility, punctuation, and even imperfect lines on the graphs that he drew. You fucking marked up his paper, and then didn't do a single thing to mine. What the hell man!? That's fucking favoritism, you can't do that!"

Silence again followed on the other line, so you continued. "You even gave him a passive aggressive, 'talk to me next class.' Talk to you? Talk to you!? What, are you guys gonna hash out who's fucking smarter, news flash Colt - Eren Yeager would fucking smoke your ass. He's so smart and didn't deserve that. I deserved that. Me. I'm the dumb one in this situation. I deserved the fucking 64."

Fuck. There's no way you were going to get any other work done tonight with what you just said. You just opened a can of worms, no, you just spilt it all over the place. You were now stuck with cleaning it up.

"I-I-I, fuck. I know I fucked up-"

"Do you though?" You cut him off. Medicine. "It doesn't seem like you do, because you sent that insane email this morning about class being mandatory because of people skipping. Don't you fucking know that the reason why we're not attending class is because our friend overdosed in front of us?" You scoffed. "Why put more stress and unfair trauma on top of me and my friends."

Silence again.

"Wait, what?"

That's what you didn't expect to hear. Your eyes went wide at your phone, realizing that either Colt was a fantastic liar or he had no clue what was going on.

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