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A/N: Just a pt2 of the last chapter! :)

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Sabre was a monster.

That's all he ever was, right? A monster- a cruel and dark being. He was nothing more than a psychopath- one of which needed extreme mental stability.

Sabre laughed- yea, he'll need a shit ton of therapy after this. He winced in pain as Light's spear pierced his arm, he stepped back, still smiling.

"Oh-ho? Is your ever-good hero, nay, savior a monster now? Is that really what your going to call the one of which saved you and your pathetic race?" Sabre lightly chuckled- taking out his time sword. It was completely dry from the last wash, which left Sabre satisfied- but also a tiny bit annoyed. He'd have to wash it straight afterwards this dumb fight.

"NO!" Light shouted- he's refused to believe someone he trusted so much worked for the First Curse AND was currently trying to murder him with a sword that had a clock engraved on it, "Sabre would *never* try to harm his friends- he's not a monster like you!*

And thus, Sabre was enraged.

He wasn't a monster, right? He wasn't. No way he's a bad person- he's just doing what his master is telling him- he's just repaying the First Curse's kindness right?

So then the First Curse would be the monster here, no? He would be the evil, villainous monster, right?

Sabre wasn't evil. No, he refused to even think such a wicked thought. He was a good person, and that was that.

Just as Sabre stepped closer to Light- Light backed away, almost as if he were scared- afraid of his former friend.

"I am NOT a MONSTER!-" Sabre shouted- his sword on top of Light. Just as Sabre was about to kill his 'friend', a Steve teleported behind him. Sabre turned around just in-time to escape a sword in his chest. He blinked, making sure he wasn't dreaming.

The man standing before him- sorry the *steve* standing behind him. He was supposed to be dead, right?

Sabre gritted his teeth so hard he swore they'd turn into dust. The Steve before him wore a long, brown jacket, jeans and a white shirt, he had on what seemed to be a knock-off converse (of which Sabre almost snorted at), and his head was replaced with a clock.

"Sabre." Time Steve said, a sword in his right hand. To be honest, Time seemed so elegant at this moment, which truly surprised Sabre, who'd assumed Time was dead. Like, truly and actually gone.

Light went to stand next to Time, they both looked like such a good duo, which honestly had Sabre slightly jealous.

"Oh my- Hello Time!" Sabre waved to him, making both Time and Light more upset than ever, "To be honest, I thought you were dead! Glad to see you haven't kicked the bucket yet!" Sabre smiled brightly- as if he weren't trying to kill Light just now.

"What are you doing back here?" Time asked, his voice was quiet and yet it still engraved itself permanently in Sabre's mind.

"Oh whatever do you mean?" Sabre replied,

"We all thought you were dead, or at least that you were trapped inside the loop."

"We'll, same goes for you, no?"

"Sabre- what happened? Why are you helping your worst enemy?- why are you against us!?" Time yelled, his voice getting louder with every sentence, "you know- if he's somehow forcing you to do this- I," Time looked to Light, who nodded at him, signaling for him to continue his sentence, "*We* could help you-"

"Time, don't you think that maybe I don't need help? That maybe- just maybe I'm not trapped and this is just who I am? That- that I'm just a monster?" Sabre almost cried- but he had to hold it in in front of Light and Time.

"Sabre- I," Light tried, his voice soft and so unlike how he was before.

Sabre breathed in and out, controlling his emotions. He turned around.

"You know- Light?" He slightly turned his head, "I'll never stop coming after you. I'll never stop trying to kill you- to end you. Because that's who I am." He turned his head straight again, away from their faces, "because thats all I'll ever be- a monster."

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