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The end crystal blast was supposed to kill him.

It was supposed to make sure his account was to be destroyed and erased from existence, after all, it was an end crystal.

But, it didn't.

When Sabre woke up, he didn't know where he was. Heck, he didn't even know which *world* he was in. He was hoping it was still the Steve Saga, but he couldn't be sure. He looked up at the full moon- it had a soft, pure glow to it. Sabre got up and started walking around. He kept his head hung low- still hurt from the explosion.

He was too tired to gather wood or virtually anything.

That's when he realized it. That's when he realized the key part of himself was missing.

He was tired. He was tired and cold- and most importantly, he was hungry. When the end crystal exploded, it should've destroyed Sabre's computer, even his account.

So why was he inside his Minecraft body?
Sabre panicked, his hands clawed at his head as he felt a burning sensation- as If his brain were melting inside his head. He fell to the ground, his knees earning a bruise.

Just as consciousness started to slip from his fingers, he dropped his hands, and he let sleep take over.


When El- no, Sabre.

When Sabre woke up, he immediately covered  his eyes with his hands- a bright light coming from above him. He lifted his torso and head up- confused. He saw what seemed to be a doctor besides his bed, their back was turned and they seemed to be whispering to himself. Just as Sabre was about to take out whatever weapon he had and attack the 'doctor', they turned around to face Sabre, who had risen an eyebrow in confusion- what was a red Steve doing here? Aren't red Steve's too angry to be... you know- doctors?

"H...HELLO! My name is-" the red Steve was cut off as Sabre rolled his eyes and got up, pushing the Steve back. He honestly didn't care for the red steve, and just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. There was no way he was going to let an angry red Steve treat him.

Just as Sabre opened the door, Light Steve popped out from behind him, Sabre turned his head slightly to see Light Steve holding a spear against him.

That's weird- Light Steve... he's- he's dead- right?

Sabre groaned as he quickly turned grabbing Light Steve's weapon. He didn't exactly recognize this Steve- even if he looks like Light- there was no way he actually was Light Steve.

"What?- who are you?" Sabre demanded- he gritted his teeth.

"Sabre- stand down." Light replied

Sabre raised an eyebrow- Light never used that tone with him, even if they got into a fight or disagreement. Sabre turned around and walked out of the doorway, too tired to deal with any of this. Light groaned and yelled from behind him.

"H-HEY! I'M NOT DONE!" Light scrambled behind Sabre, who had been irritated by now.

So, this world is definitely *not* the Steve Saga. And Sabre was definitely- somehow- stuck inside his own account. Sabre had to figure out what was wrong, and how to get back to his original world and his original server.

"Don't follow me." Sabre said in a cold tone as he walked.

"Don't tell me what to do," Light followed, still holding his weapon against Sabre.

This continued on for quite a while- Light asked Sabre questions about "how he was alive" and if he "remembered anything" to which Sabre responded to by staying silent.

"Where are we going?" Light finally asked- Sabre sighed as he stopped in his path.

"I'm going to the nearest desert biome- it's my best shot at finding how to leave this place."

"What do you mean?" Light asked- still confused.

"I don't need to explain anything." Sabre replied, still cold.

"... you know- we should really head back to Professor Red's place-"


"... professor Red- you don't remember any of that? Not even the First Curse?"

Sabre hummed as he walked, "I never tend to look back, Light."

Light Steve beamed up when Sabre said his name- he got his hopes up that Sabre still remembered everything and was just faking it or trying to prank them.

Just as light was about to speak up- Sabre stopped. They'd arrived at the desert. Or well- a desert. Sabre placed his hand on his chin, as if he were thinking. Then, he looked to Light.

"You can follow me if you want- though I wouldn't recommend it." Sabre calmly said.

"I'm going to follow you until you stop this prank, Sabre." Light responded in an arrogant tone. Sabre sighed as he continued on his path.

Sabre held out a sword in his right hand, dragging it across the desert sand. He hummed as a small building came into view.

Light raised an eyebrow as they got closer- this desert is quite popular- yet nobody has ever seen a single building here.

Sabre continued on his way, getting closer and closer to the building. The fact that the building was intact proved so much.

The thing that he feared so much.

It happened.


I was gonna write for 1k words but I had a ton of hw and I wanted to get this out as soon as possible

SabreTober • IcyWillowSongWhere stories live. Discover now