(9) The office visit

Start from the beginning

S:I'm thinking , I have been really annoying the last month haven't I?

A: What? No! Sheldon you have been the best in the last month!

S: Really? Cause i tried some new way to deal whit change and it's been awesome for me, and I don't know if i've been annoying.

A: Sheldon, you've been really nice!

S: Oh good..

-Later that day-

*Sheldon sits on the couch whit his laptop in his lap*
*Amy comes in*
*Amy looks on his screen*

A: Sheldon? You're looking for houses?

S: Oh hi, yes.

A: Actually a few houses near Bernadette and Howard's opened up if you are interested.

S: ooh, can we go look ?

A: Right now?

S: yeah sure

A: Okay, let's go

-3 days later at the university in Sheldon's office-

*Amy comes into Sheldon's office*

A: Hi love

S: Amy? what are you doing here? You were supposed to stay home today!

A: Am I not allowed to see my husband at his office?

S: I guess is okay. How are you feeling

A: Going pretty good so far, what are you working on?

*Sheldon explains Amy what he's working on*

A: Wow, sometimes i forget how smart you are.

S: Hmm

-Later that day in the lunch room-

H: So, how are things going between you and Guss Raj?

R: Awesome!

*Sheldon comes at the table whit his hair messed up and a big smile*

S: Hii

L: Hi Sheldon

H: Oh god, i know this image, hair messy? Big smile? Is like that time Leonard and Penny did it in his lab, so either Sheldon is cheating on Amy or she came here

S: Amy was here for a few hours but she left

H: Daaang Sheldon, a few hours?

S: Yes?

*Leonard looks at Sheldon whit a smirk*

L: Howard, i heard a few homes near your house opened up, me ,Sheldon, Amy and Penny went to see them.

H: Oh, so you might move close to us?

L: Yep!

-Later that day whit the gang-

A: So you guys put up Sheldon on that dating site so if you found someone he wouldn't be your problem anymore?

R: pretty much yeah

A: isn't that a little cocky?

H: Jokes on you it worked *Howard laughs*

L: ooh, Amy, do you remember that time we went to that wedding?

*Sheldon looks up*

A: Yes i do.

L: When i came in the apartment, i told Sheldon about how great you are and he punched me on the shoulder and said:
,, Not for you"

*Amy laughs*
A: No way!

S: uhh

L: and that was when you were kind of sort of in a relationship

*Lonard looks at Sheldon whit a smirk*

P: O. M. G. Is Sheldon blushing?!

*Amy looks at Sheldon*

A: Yes! *Laughs*

*Sheldon snaps back to reality and sees Amy looking at him laughing*

S: Wh- What happened? i zoned off. What are you guys laughing about *Starts eating*

*Leonard looks at Amy*
*Amy nods*

L: The fact that you were lost in your thoughts and blushing

*Sheldon chokes a bit on his food*
S: B-blushing? What?

*Amy hand Sheldon a mirror from her bag*
*Sheldon looks in the mirror and sees his face is red*

S: (Sttuders) wh-w-wha-wh

A: what were thinking you about Sheldon? *smiles*

S: uhhhh today? When you came to my office... (He Muttered)

Penny, Raj, Guss and Bernadette: Ohhhhhh

H: He came in the lunch room whit his hair all messed up and a big smile.

Penny, Raj, Guss and Bernadette: OOOHHHH

P: Like that time me and Leonard did it in his lab

H: that's what i said when he came in the lunch room.

S: uhhhh

P: come on, stop making Sheldon feel wierd. *Giggles*

S: excuse me, i'm going to the toilet

P: Amy, we'll talk about it at girls' night 100%

A: okkk

-Episode ends..

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