The new neighbor

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A Saturday night, Sheldon goes to do the laundry as always, and in the laundry room he bumps into Penny.
P: Hi Sheldon!
S:Hello Penny.
P:Look, i have some news but u can't freak out.
S:Oh.. Ok i guess. What is it?
P: The neighbors above you and Amy's apartment are moving out.
S: WHAT? WHY? (Sttuders) why would they move?
P:i don't know Sheldon.

-In Sheldon and Amy's apartment-

A: Hi Sheldon, why do you look so agitated? what happened?
S: The neighbors above are moving out!
A: Oh! Well i thought you would be happy, they were pretty noisy.
S: I know i should be, but what if the new neighbors are worse?
A:Look love, it's going to be okay.
S: I guess..

-at 3 am in Sheldon and Amy's apartament-

S:Amy, Amy, Amy.
A: Wh-What's wrong?
S: I can't sleep.
A: Is this about the neighbors?
S: Yes... I don't know how to react.
A: look Sheldon, try to get some sleep, and in the morning we can go vizit the new neighbors.
S: Okay, thank you Amy.
A: No problem. Goodnight.

-Meanwhile in Penny and Leonard's apartament-

P: Hey did you hear the neighbors above Sheldon and Amy's apartment are moving out?
L: Oh no, it's going to be a LOONG day tomorrow, just Sheldon talking about ,, what if they have a child? What if they are breakdancers? what if-? "
P: Yeah, want to go to vegas in the morning?
L: So what you're asking is what i would prefer, listening to Sheldon talk about neighbors all day or go to vegas whit my wife?
*They both laugh*
P:Alright, Good night.
L: Good night.

-The next morning in Amy and Sheldon's apartment-

*Sheldon making cereals*
*Amy comes into the room*
A:Morning love, did you manage to sleep last night?
*Sheldon turns to look at her and smiles*
S: Morning! Yes i did.
A: Well you're in a good mood. *smiles*
S: Yes i am. I've been thinking about it and if they are being noisy i can write a complaint.
A: Well wonderful, We ca-
Before she can finish someone's knocking at their door.
*Amy opens the door*
A: Oh hi, do i know you?
?: Hi! No, i am the new nei- OMG are you Amy Ferrah Fowler?!
*Amy gets caught offguard by his enthusiasm *
A: (Sttuders) y-yes i am. why?
*Sheldon comes to see who's at the door*
A: i-i'm sorry what?
? : You guys won the nobel for superasymmetry! Right?
Both: Yes we did.
*? Shakes their hands*
?: My name is Antonio Ezio, the neighbor above.
S: oh, come in, i have some questions.
AE: ok, but some ground rules: no touching no hugging and please tell me you have some Purrel, i ran out
*Amy remains stunned as Sheldon and Antonio go in the apartament*
S: Well you don't have to tell us about touching and hugging i do not like unnecessary touching
A: yeah he really doesn't.
S: And of course we have purrel
Ae: Well thank you. So you said you had some questions?
S: Ah yes, so, do you dance?
Ae: No i do not.
S: Do you have kids?
Ae: no i do not, but if something comes up i'll let you know.
S: well thank you. So, do you have a partener?
Ae: I do but she has her own apartament so no coitus here.
S: Remarkable. Do you own any animals?especially birds or dogs?
Ae: No way, birds and dogs scare me.
S: I know right? Most people don't get it. *shakes his head*
S: Well this is about enough information to go off, welcome to the building.
Ae: maybe we can hang out some time, i have background check on everyone in here, i heard you have a social group, may i meet them?
*Sheldon is shook by all the things they have in common*
S: Of course monday 0500?
Ae: I'll check my schedule* Antonio looks trough his phone* yep, all clear, but monday I eat Thai food, if you guys eat something else i can bring my own.
(*wispering*)A: what. Is. HAPPENING?
S: No need. We also eat Thai food on Mondays.
Ae: Wonderful, see you two monday. Good bye!
S: Good bye.
A: Bye..
* Antonio leaves the apartament*

-Amy , Penny and Bernadette at girls' night-

P: And he just walked out? Just like that?
A: Yes! I was so confused, it was like i saw Sheldon talk to Sheldon
B: Was he hot?
A: Bernadetteeee.. I'm married!
B: YeAh. To sHelDon.
A: Okay a little but that doesn't change anything!
P: Wow. I'm really excited to meet this guy.
B: Me too, he sounds interesting.
P: So did he have a cute italian accent?
A: Not really, he sounded a little like Kripkie
P: Ah then nevermind.
*They all laugh*
*Someone knocks at the door*
Raj: (In Singing voice Trough the door) hIiiIii, I heard you girls are having a girls' night, sooOo I came too!
*Penny openes the door*
P, A, B: Hi Raj!, Hello Raj.
R: (in normal voice) soOo what are you three talking about?
A: The neighbor above.
R: Oh did you meet them?
A: Him, He's like an Italian Sheldon
R: Oh no what does that mean?
*Amy explains*
R:wow. And he just walked out?
P, B: exactly! That's what we said.
R: well i am sure we will all get along.
A: Yeah I don't know..

Episode ends.

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