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"Thank you Campion." Alexis says.

"Mmm. What happened?" Alexis asks as she wakes up in rabbit form in a burrow.

"Don't worry. You're safe right now." A voice says revealing to be Campion.

"Campion!" Alexis says as she gets up growling.

"Easy? Easy!? You must be kidding. Where is Pipkin?" Alexis asks angrily not seeing Pipkin.

"Don't worry. He is safe." Campion says as Alexis growls.

"That's not what I asked Campion. Where is Pipkin?" Alexis asks sternly before Campion sighs.

"The General had the two of you separated. He knows you won't leave without Pipkin. To avoid you escaping he had you separated as a result." Campion says.

"Great. That's just one of the reasons I dislike that rabbit. He's a horrible rabbit." Alexis says angrily.

"Alexis easy. He's my chief." Campion says.

"Like that is supposed to make it any better?" Alexis asks unamused.

"I know you're sore at me but please listen." Campion says.

"Why should I? Far as I'm concerned you're not my friend. Not so long as you're loyal to that rabbit. I played along because I had to for Pipkin's sake. You did so willingly." Alexis says as she turns from Campion.

"You're wrong. It's not by will. Not anymore. But you must listen. I have a message to you from Hazel. He said to stay strong and they'll have you and Pipkin out soon." Campion says as Alexis looks at him annoyed.

"If you are helping us then why are you following that rabbit? He is a cruel chief." Alexis says.

"I know. I'm ashamed of everything I have done but Hazel has put me on the right path." Campion says.

"You're not the rabbit I once remembered Campion. You've changed and not for the better." Alexis says sadly.

"I know. You're still the rabbit I remember. Still head-strong, stubborn, smart and kind. And firm in your beliefs as always." Campion says as he smiles.

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Alexis says angrily.

"Maybe not but I have missed you. A lot. I wish we could have met under better circumstances." Campion says sadly.

"You and me both." Alexis says as she looks down.

"Is what you said back there true?" Campion asks curiously.

"Is what true?" Alexis asks as she looks at Campion.

"About your heart already belonging to someone at the Down?" Campion asks.

"I don't love someone at the Down." Alexis says.

"Then where? If Woundwort finds them he'll-" Campion then gets cut off by Alexis.

"The rabbit I love is you Campion. But I can't get over how you are going along with Woundwort. But what does it matter anyway?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"It matters because I love you as well. I have ever since we were kits." Campion says as Alexis looks at him in disbelief.

"Really?" Alexis asks in shock.

"Really." Campion says as he smiles.

"I guess love has a fickle way of creating love that can't be shared huh? As long as you're here we can never be together." Alexis says sadly.

"And you can't stay here. I won't allow it. I want you to be free." Campion says as he nuzzles Alexis.

"I wish it wasn't this way Campion." Alexis says as she nuzzles Campion.

"I know. Don't worry. It'll be alright. I promise. I'll come back to you. But first we're gonna get you and Pipkin home. I promise." Campion says as he lays down with Alexis.

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