Life In Efrafa

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Later as Alexis is in the burrow after she sent Pipkin to get some flay-rah with Captain Moss she notices Vervain come in with two carrots as he then places them down in front of her.

"Vervain leave me alone. Remember what the General warned you about." Alexis says warningly.

"What the General doesn't know wont hurt him." Vervain says as he begins to corner Alexis.

"No! Get off me!" Alexis shouts as Vervain then jumps and pins her down and mounts her.

"Stay still you ill-mannered brat! You will stay still when mounted by a officer you half breed." Vervain says as he starts bitting at her neck and shoulders.

"I would very highly recommend you get off her before I tear your ears off Vervain." A voice says revealing to be Campion.

"Get out Campion. In case you've forgotten I've got seniority over you. Leave. I'm busy teaching this doe a little respect." Vervain says as he looks at Alexis.

"You did until Woundwort promoted me to be the Queen's personal guard. As of this day I out rank you and I was given special permission to kill anyone including officers who harass the queen. Now get off her and get out." Campion says warningly.

"Fine you snarky rabbit!" Vervain says as he gets off of Alexis and leaves.

"Are you alright Alexis?" Campion asks as he helps Alexis to her feet.

"Yes I'm fine. Please leave." Alexis says.

"You're still not wanting to be around me?" Campion asks in surprise.

"Frankly Campion no. I thought we were friends but how anyone can follow that rabbit is beyond me. I don't trust you if you're going to follow him." Alexis says annoyedly.

"He's my chief." Campion says sternly.

"Regardless." Alexis says.

"Please Alexis just let me keep watch over you. You're my friend. You meant a lot to me all that time ago and you still do." Campion says before Alexis sighs.

"Fine. If you want to help look out for Pipkin." Alexis says.

"Alright then. I'll have Moss keep an eye out for you." Campion says as he leaves.


"Everyone has taken the herbs. Just like you've commanded your grace." Moss says as he hops over to Alexis, Pipkin and Woundwort.

"Good. In a couple days rest they should be able to get back to their duties. Just don't let them over work their bodies." Alexis says.

"Yes your highness." Moss says as he leaves.

"You have a flare for command my dear." Woundwort says as he looks at Alexis.

"Oh uh I guess. I guess it's where my parents were both leaders before they were killed by another wolf. I was only one season old when it happened." Alexis says sadly.

"I'm sorry. Such a beautiful young doe like yourself should never have to go through something like that. I lost my parents too. All in one night. My father to a human and my mother to a weasel." Woundwort says.

"I'm so sorry." Alexis says as she looks at Woundwort.

"Yes well it was the best for the both of us. Well now I can't spend all day stuffing my face." Woundwort says.

"I would like to get some rest if that's alright?" Alexis asks receiving a nod from Woundwort as she gets up with Pipkin.

"I'll have three guards at your chamber. Perhaps after you two have rested you would like to watch me exercise?" Woundwort asks.

"Oh um sure. Come along Pipkin." Alexis says as she has Pipkin follow her back to their burrow.

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