Part 1

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"This is it. Today is a new day, and the start of my new life. I never expected my life to turn out this way. After I finished school this summer, I moved away from my homeland France to England. Everyone was saying that I'm still a child and that I wouldn't be able to survive here on my own, but I think I'm doing quite well over here, thanks to my flatmate Olivia. I moved to Brighton mainly because I'm going to be studying here, though I had a few thoughts about taking a gap year and exploring Europe...".

Those were the words that I wrote in my diary. I closed the notebook and put it on my nightstand, it was still early in the morning, and I was tired, not sure why, because I value my night sleep, and usually don't stay up late. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I was shooketh by seeing Olivia sitting in the kitchen. She is a night owl, so seeing her being up at 8 in the morning is just a very rare sight.

"What are you doing up?" I asked her.

"Ughh, I couldn't sleep, I was up all night playing games, and when I finally stopped it was like 7 am, so it made so sense to go to sleep, I have a job interview today, and if I go to sleep, I probably wont have any time to get ready" she replied.

As she was talking, my coffee was ready, so I sat next to her.

"Wait, so you're telling me that you might be getting a real job?" I said while letting out a small laugh. She just rolled her eyes at me and replied while taking a sip of my coffee:

"At least I do what I like and earn money from that" Don't get this wrong, we are practically besties now, and this is just how we communicate with each other.

"Soo...tell me more, are you still playing with those boys that you were telling me about last week?" I asked her while taking back my coffee from her hands.

"Yes, I think you would get along with them well, it's kind of sad that you don't like playing games"

"Well, I think I got over that gaming phase when I hit puberty" I replied.

"Well, I think you should get back to gaming and play with us sometime, there is this boy that I think you might really like...

OKAY people don't judge me if I said something that is not grammatically correct, English is not my main language. If you like this please write something in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends. It would mean a lot to me if you voted 🫶🏼

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