Chapter One

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It was an ordinary Monday morning for Meadow Stone as she had her raven black hair being tugged and pulled mercilessly. Her almond color skin being glittered and poked. The useless sweats she had walked in with suddenly disappearing. Never to be seen again along with all the other clothes she's lost.

The hair stylist and make-up artist doing everything they thought was the definition of perfection. In fact they were so rough with her hair that she was sure that the only thing that would stop them is if they saw blood. Even then it'd be a long shot for them to take it easy.

"Marcus take it easy damn it!" Meadow hissed as she smacked at his petite but rough hands.

"Darling! If I've told you once I've told you a billion times to be beautiful you must go through pain. Like a butterfly! Do you know how hard it is to wiggle out the damn cocoon?!" he recited as he continued to abuse her hair as if it were made of steel.

"Yea but I don't get paid enough for my hair to be used as medieval torture tactics! Chill out!" she shouted. "And if eyeshadow sneaks into my eye one more time I'm going to shove it up your-,"

"Meadow honey?! How are you my love?!" the photographer of the day asked.

"Felix," Marcus whispered before he continued his journey to style Meadow's hair.

"Felix! My love! I'm doing fine. How are you?" Meadow asked as she put on her award winning smile.

"Great! Are we almost ready? Everything is set." he said as he clasped his hands together eagerly.

"I sure hope so," Meadow admitted almost flinging her head back until she remember it might ruin her hair hair which meant re-touching and she was not planning on sitting on the chair any longer then she had to.

"And done! Go take breathtaking pictures then love," Marcus encouraged as he gave her a quick pat on the shoulder with a confident smirk glued to his lips.

"Thanks," Meadow smiled as she slid off her seat and started gliding towards the set. As she did she couldn't help but smile at Marcus' carefree attitude towards her. If it were anyone else she snapped at they would have balled into hysterics.

Not Marcus, if anything he would have accidentally burnt her with a curling iron a few times and call it a day. That's was why she always tried to have him booked whenever she had a photo shoot. Today's shoot is for advertising this new name brand water. Meadow was basically dressed in a blue sheer curtain. Her long hair curled to perfection and make-up done for a more peaceful yet aquatic affect.

The set was pretty creative in a sense. It was basically a blue rain forest. Meadow's best guess was that she was supposed to look mystifying. Like some type of mystical creature that was always at ease.

Psh. Always at ease as if!

Meadow quickly got into position and started posing for the camera looking flawless as she always did when she was in front of the camera.

"Beautiful Meadow! Gorgeous!" Felix praised as he snapped photo after photo.

Hours later of continuous posing, smizing, and dramatic praise the photo shoot was finally over and Meadow couldn't be happier.

"Meadow!" Julie sang cheerily.

"Oh no. Please Julie! I'm exhausted! No more bookings. I need to relax." Meadow whined as she applied makeup remover on her face.

"It has nothing to do with new bookings or anything. But it does have something to do with appearances. You're the top dog in the modeling industry right now and I know something that'd be perfect to help you stay there," Julie said as she twiddled her manicured fingers on her phone.

"What is it? Another carpet walk?" Meadow asked as she roughly wiped all the crap off her face.

"No. Better. We have to be alone to discuss it. Come with me I'll buy you lunch," Julie had already started walking towards the exit of the building.

"Sure! I'd love dinner. Give me 10 minutes honey!" Meadow called sarcastically as she got off her chair to get ready.

"So what is this new thing you couldn't tell me at the studio?" Meadow asked stepping out of her car as she walked towards Julie.

"Let's go get a seat first. I'm freezing my ass off out here," They walked into the cafe and got a seat.

"Julie I'm getting kinda irritated now. What's going on?" Meadow took off her coat as she slid into her seat.

"Ok. So are you familiar with Jai Roman?" Julie asked.

"Yea. I'm familiar with the jackass," Meadow hissed crossing her arms and twisting her lips distastefully.

"Jackass? Why is he a jackass?" Julie asked nervously.

"Waiter?" Meadow called out kindly.


"The guy grabbed my ass at some after party I attended. Then I slapped him. He called me a whore. I slapped him again poured my drink on him and went on with my life," Meadow shrugged the situation off. "He stars in a couple movies he thinks he's mister big shot."

"A couple movies?! What are you living under a rock?" Julie scoffed.

"Ready to order?" the waiter asked.

"Yes. I'd love to have one of your chicken sandwiches. What do you recommend?" Meadow asked.

'I'd recommend our Sweet Potato Grilled Chicken Sandwich," the waiter said.

"That sounds awesome can I please get that with a strawberry lemonade. Thank you," Meadow gave the menu back to the waiter.

"And you miss?" the waiter asked.

"Your biggest cup of of the strongest coffee you got," Julie gruffly gave the menu back to the waiter and glared at Meadow.

"What!?" Meadow snapped.

"Don't what me! You have any idea how many awards this guy won! Golden Globes, Oscars, and I'm sure there's more but who keeps track. Any award for acting this guy has it!" Julie hissed.

"What is your point?"

"My point is not only is he popular but very very high in the business right now and you slapping and pouring things on him is not a good thing!" Julie explained.

"I still don't understand why we're have a conversation about this guy. It was probably a year ago," Meadow rolled her eyes as she toyed with her fingers.

"Because he's going to be your boyfriend for a couple of months," the waiter came just in that moment with their order.

"Have you lost your damn mind?!" Meadow shouted.

"Meadow you're causing a scene," Julie said calmly.

"Dammit Julie! I'm getting really tired of you telling me things about my life I don't even know about!" Meadow slapped her palms into her face and just thought of a million ways to kill Julie.

"Thank you," Julie smiled at the waiter and took a sip out of her coffee. "Your sandwich looks great."

"You're a sick woman! A very very sick woman!  No! Hell no! I will start that stupid diet you've always wanted me to do," Meadow tried in an attempt to change Julie's mind.

"You're already thin enough,"

"I'll dye my hair blonde,"

"People perfer you will your raven black hair," Juilie smirked.

"I'll jump off a roof," Meadow huffed.

"I'll be right there jumping with you," Julie smiled.

"Why him?" Meadow pouted.

"Because you two have something in common. Everybody wants a piece of you. You're both hot right now and with you two together it'll be even hotter!" Julie happily explained.

"I can barely handle the work load I have now. I swear if Marcus continues doing my hair I'll be bald!" Meadow whined.

"The shaved look would look nice on you," Juilie joked.

"I hate you," Meadow mumbled before taking a bite out of her now less appealing sandwich.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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