2. 13

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Thirteen Years Earlier

"Princess" She stood before him in the training room, she was trying to refrain from bouncing on her toes in her heavy steel toed boots. Her thirteenth birthday had just passed a few weeks ago and her father had promised her to put all the videos to good work. Across from the two of them, stood a man dressed to fight. He seemed unimpressed by the little girl. "Is this a joke?" He scoffed, crossing his arms. "This girl, has she fought in her life? Could she even take a grown man like me?" The man had every right to question the situation he was in, it simply just looks like he was about to beat up a little girl.

But little does he know, that girl was strong. This fight wasn't a learning lesson, it was her first combative lesson. She practiced, she watched, she took notes, she cried, she bled, she bruised, and everything led up to this moment. Her first true fight with a grown man. "He's trying to rile you up Princess" Her father whispered in her ear, his eyes gazing up at the man. "I want you to pretend. Pretend you are in the videos" She tilts her head, looking up at her father. He gave her a kind smile and a pat on the shoulder, he had a lot of faith in her. She did not want to let him down because of that.

The man from across the room put himself into his fighting position, a smirk residing on his face. It's almost like he got off to the thought of beating up little girls. Her father pulled her hair up into a puff on the top of her head, she kept her eyes straight on her opponent. Her mind was flickering back to her in front of the tv, the constant reply of every single fight she has seen since she was eight years old. "Ready?" He tied down her hair tightly, she nodded in response. "Alright," Her father took a step back and went to sit on a chair near the bleachers.

"On the count of three" He states, moving the orange whistle between his lips. Her opponent braced himself, trying to predict her next move. "How about this little lady, I'll let you have the first hit?" "Nun of that" Her father immediately shot down. "Both of you, move in. No one is waiting in a true battle" She lowered her front half to the ground, she remembers her mom always doing that in her fights. She picked up on that as she did not know her next move. As she squats on the ground, her hand on the cold concrete floor. Her green eyes staring at the man from her eyelashes.
"One" She saw how confused he became seeing her position, he quickly readjusted himself to cover his lower half.
"Two" She scanned the bit of his weak points and readjusted her own. She could see her father nodding his head in approval.

"Three, Go!" The man wasted no time charging at her, she couldn't even move if she wanted to go at him but that gave her an advantage. His fist started to fly downwards at her, she threw her fist at his knees. "Ofmph!" His body fell forward, she took her chance to swing on his chin. She successfully landed her first punch on his face, but she didn't let herself become overwhelmed with excitement. The man growled at her, forming his fist and swinging to aim at her throat. Mentally, she saw it. This fighting style was familiar, this entire man's vibe seemed familiar.

Then, she saw it. Fight video number 530, Hdog vs the Lion. She was fucking fighting the lion. A smile slowly crept on her face, his moveset was one of the easiest. It always goes: Left. right, up, down, punch, block, kick. She constantly dodged his attacks, his face was beginning to grow red with the embarrassment in his soul. This man was the current record holder of fights won and in private, he is being shown up by a little girl. He was starting to become erratic with his moves because of his anger, but she already knew this was coming.

It happens a lot when he fights, he gets punched once or twice and he gets visibly angry or irritated. His moves turn into block, block, down, down, right, left, kick, punch, kick, and once he gets you down? His lion pick-up. But she never saw him this angry, she avoided all his attempts of leaving a finger on her. She hadn't really broken a sweat yet, that was all for him. His forehead was glistening, soft pants leaving his mouth. She began using all his moves on him, in different orders. She kept pushing him back with the assault of punches, a grin growing on her face. She punched him rapidly, feeling the warm liquid leave his mouth and land on her hand.

Blood. She drew it.
The man fell back onto his knees in front of her, he was face to face with the girl. He tried to get a punch in, but she simply stepped to the side. He fell onto the concrete floor with his eyes rolled back in his head, the blood leaking from his mouth. She stood up straight, her hands cupping themselves in front of her stomach. She looked at her father as he approached her. He smiles, his thumb caressing her chin. "Such a good job, Binti Mfalme*" He wiped the Lion's blood of her cheek. "But, you know he isn't the last?" "Yes Baba" She responds with a nod, her eyes shining and eager to progress. "He was just the first, there are men bigger than him, stronger than him. Such as..."

"Minegishi?" She tilts her head, her father turns away to check on the man lying on the ground. "It's no longer Minegishi my darling" She tilts her head, who else is truly stronger then Minegishi and his men? She heard horror stories about them, they never were to mess with. "The white, death." She felt her chest tighten up a little at the mention of the new man, a new opponent, and maybe a new target. "Six foot six, two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle baby. Would you be able to take him?" "Soon" She grins, her father sharing the same level of enthusiasm as her. "That's my little girl, now come on. Here's your next lesson" She came closer to her father, he placed a hand on her back.

"The tricks of cleaning up blood, and to make sure it can't be shown on a blacklight"

*Binti Mfalme stands for Princess in Swahili 

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