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"God, we wasted so many days. Why didn't you give me a sign." Elio slapped Theo's chest, making the man chuckle. "I did. I did." He threw his hands up innocently. After their promise in the attic, they went back downstairs to change into normal clothes. They were outside in the gazebo that was hidden away behind some trees.

"When?" Elio was leaning his back against the fence with his arms crossed. "You remember when we were outside watching Oliver play volleyball and I touched you?" Theo leans over and gently kisses Elio's neck. "Just to show you that I liked you." Elio giggled at the kisses being left on his neck. "And the way you reacted made me feel like you didn't like my touch." Theo pulls away while throwing his hands up.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Elio laughs, before leaning over to bury his face in Theo's chest. "It's okay doll. It was at that moment, that I decided I should keep my distance." Theo shrugs. "Well you didn't keep your distance from me for long." Elio points out jokingly.

"Well how could I? You were convincing me to come back to you with just a single stare." Elio slaps Theo's chest while the man laughs. "All jokes aside..I'm glad I came back." Theo traced Elio's lips with his thumb, before leaning over to kiss him. Elio couldn't resist Theo's kisses, and surrender himself once again to the man.


Oliver, Theo and Elio went to Bergamo. Theo wish he knew how Elio managed to convince his parents for him to join along, but he wasn't complaining at all. When they were getting on the bus it seemed like Annella didn't want him to leave at all. They grew close over the few weeks that to the point that he saw her as another mother figure in his life.

"You know you are my favorite person in the world, coming in second behind my husband." Theo laughed as Annella rambled to him about how he was her favorite, he could feel Elio's eyes burning holes at the side of his face as he continued to say his last minute goodbye's to both Perlmans.

"Make sure that Elio calls when you guys get there okay, I trust you to take care of my son." There it was again, that word trust. For the past few days that word just kept on popping up, and he didn't seem to mind at all. If Annella trusted him to keep Elio safe, he wonder if she would still trust him knowing that he fucked her son and kissed him.

"Please, please come back soon." Ezra patted both cousins shoulders, as they went around to step on the bus. "Come back? I'm just going home to pack. I'm moving here." Theo joked, making all four adults burst into laughter. "You're welcome!" Annella patted his arm, while still recovering from her laugh.

"Oh well. Thank you guys so much." Oliver said while smiling at the couple. "Of course." Ezra nodded his head, while staring at both men as if they were his own sons. "Please do come back, the both of you." Annella hugged them while patting their backs.

"I'll make sure to drag Oliver with me, if I come back here I promise." Theo knew he was going to come back, not what day specifically but he was going to come back either way for Elio. "Well, later, Perlmans." Oliver joked one last time, before boarding the bus with Theo behind.

"Ciao! Arrivederci!" Theo waved at the couple, before taking a seat beside Elio. Oliver continued to say goodbye even as the bus drove away, he got a chance to wave at his girlfriend who arrived just a second late.


Spending the few days alone with Elio was the best, while Oliver went out by himself to explore. Theo let Elio be his tour guide, and let the boy take them wherever he wanted to go. Theo would spend money on Elio, not even caring when the boy said he didn't want to be spoiled. Theo didn't mind wasting money on Elio, as long as he was happy with him.

Being alone with each other gave the couple plenty of opportunities to do whatever the hell they wanted, they went out at night dancing with each other in the middle of the streets. Not caring about who heard them at all, as long as they had each other they were content with life.

When they came back later to their room, Theo made sure to worship Elio's body that night. With each touch and kiss left on Elio's skin, he made sure that his whole attention was solely on him. There were times that Elio got too loud, and Theo had to silence the boy with kisses, but other than that they enjoyed their night together.

By the time they were finished with their activities, it was already nearing 2 o'clock in the morning. They laid in bed with the sheets wrapped around their legs, Elio had his face buried in Theo's neck sobbing once again.

"Promise..Promise me, that you'll come back for me." His pleas echoed around the room as he held onto Theo for the last time. "I promised you already Elio, I would come back for you no matter what." Theo promised.

No words were spoken after that sentence, instead they kept quiet before falling asleep wrapped into each other's arms. Theo's love for Elio grew over the past few days, he knew he shouldn't have fallen for the boy yet he couldn't help but melt whenever Elio looked at him with those sapphire eyes.

Elio knew he shouldn't have fallen in love with Theo, the young adult was older than the boy yet. Elio couldn't keep his hands to himself, it was a forbidden love yet they still reassured each other that they would always come back to one another. Elio was selfish and didn't care about the aftermath, he just wanted to be with Theo.



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