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Theo was bored listening to Oliver and Ezra talk about archaeology and the history behind it. It bored him to hear them rant about it, yet he didn't want to leave the room since he was interested just a little bit about what they were saying.

Annella had come into the room serving everyone  a cup of  apricot juice, Theo was the first to swipe a glass since he did enjoy the after taste of the drink.. Oliver managed to down his whole glass, before turning his attention back onto Mr. Perlman.

Elio who was seated in the single seat across from the couch, was reading Theo's book Maurice. He was impressed with how well the man wrote the story, he could feel each and every emotion the characters went through as he dug himself deeper into the book.

"The word "apricot" comes from Arabic. It's like the words "algebra," "alchemy," "alcohol." It derives from an Arabic noun combined with the Arabic article "al" before it. The origin of our Italian albicocca. Is al-barquq." Theo was fascinated with the information that Ezra gave them. Anyone could tell from his face, that he wanted to learn more, and that is what Ezra did.

"It's amazing that today in Isnotreal (occupied land) and many Arab countries, the fruit's referred to by a totally different name, Mishmish." Ezra continued to sprout out facts, but Theo knew some history of the word himself as well.

"I may have to disagree with you there, Professor." Everyone turned to Theo in surprise. "Ah, do explain." Ezra was interested with what Theo had to say, even Oliver wanted to know what information what Theo was going to say.

"I'm gonna talk etymology, so bear with me people." Theo joked, making everyone lean in. "Well, you're right in the case that most Latin words do find their origins in Greek words. However in the case of "apricot" it's a little bit more of a complicated journey." Elio had set his book off to the side after marking the page, he glanced at his mother with a raised eyebrow before paying attention to what Theo was saying.

"How so?" Oliver questioned his cousin. "Well, here, the Greek actually takes over from the Latin. Latin word being, pracoquum or precoquere. So it's "Precook" or, "Pre-ripen," as you know. To be precocious or premature. And the Byzantines, to go on, the borrowed praecox which became prekokkia, which then became berikokki, which is how the Arabs got al-barquq." Lets just say that Theo left everyone in shock after his explanation.

"H-How do you know this?" Oliver questioned Theo with a wide smile. "That's courtesy of Philology 101." Theo shrugged his shoulders, while flipping through his notebook that carried ideas for his next book. "Flying colors." Ezra waved his hand at Theo, who tilted his head in confusion before turning to face Elio.

"He does this every year." The teen answered his question that wasn't said out loud. Oliver clapped Theo's shoulder with a proud grin on his face. "It's a shame you became an author, and not like me." He teased the brunette, who slapped the blonde arm. "Oh hush." He grumbles.

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