Farooq is Punished

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One by one all the members of the Khan and Ahmed family came out. Aman went and stood beside Roshni and kissed her forehead. She hugged him in return. Karan said 'Abbu, Junaid uncle, he was the one who started all of this rivalry between us and I'm sure you guys have also heard and understood the reason behind his actions.'  Mansoor looked at Farooq as if he could kill him right there and then. Aman spoke after that 'he is the one who tricked our investor into investing in Mansoor uncle's company and caused the rivalry.'
       Farooq knew that his game was over but he couldn't let everyone win like that. He took the wine glass from the table and smashed it all of a sudden. He grabbed Roshni holding the broken glass to her neck. Everyone panicked and asked him to let her go. Roshni however, remained calm and turned him around making him drop the glass when she got the chance. She then slapped him and pushed him towards Aman who caught him and punched his face. Before anyone could do anything else, the police arrived and took Farooq away. Mansoor told the police to take him away and lock him up for ever. After Farooq was taken away, the two families stood together. No one saying a word. Junaid was the first to speak. 'Although it was Farooq who caused the rivalry to happen, I think we also had a part to play in it. We should never have trusted anything anyone else said and tried to find out the truth ourselves. If we had done this then we wouldn't have lost two years of our lives.' Everyone agreed and decided to forget the past and start a completely new future together.
A few weeks later it was Farooq's court date and Roshni was the opposition lawyer and Sanjay was the defence lawyer. She fought extremely hard to get him the worst punishment possible. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison at the end of his trial. The joy of the two families knew no bounds when they saw the man who had cheated them get dragged away in handcuffs. After they got home, Roshni put down her bag and went to the dressing table by the mirror to take off her watch when Aman came and hugged her from behind. She smiled and melted in the hug enjoying the feeling of being close to him. They closed their eyes and felt all their worries leave them. Roshni turned to him and started unbuttoning his shirt. Aman looked at her being confused. 'Roshni, what are you doing?' Roshni paused to look up at him and said 'Khanbaba, we have spent so long away from each other, then all these things happened. Also we should celebrate Farooq's exit from our lives.' Aman smiled and said 'that's true but he only got ten years, what if he comes back after that?' 'Don't worry. We should live in the present and not ruin the present by worrying about the future.' Aman smiled and kissed her. Roshni took off his shirt as she kissed him back. Slowly their feet found the way to the bed and they both sat down and got lost in each other.
The Ahmed's had come over for dinner that evening. Everything was going very well like the way it was 2 years ago. The doorbell rang and Rehan jumped up to answer it. He opened the door and Shayari came inside. They looked at each other and smiled. 'Rubina said 'Shayari, come inside. We were just about to have dinner. You also join us.' Rehan said 'Shayari and I need to tell all of you something.' He went closer to her and held her hand. 'We love each other. We really love each other and would like to get married.' After saying this he looked down, scared of their reactions but didn't let go of her hand. Junaid went to them and raised his hand. Shayari got frightened as she thought he will slap Rehan, but instead he put his hand on his head and caressed it. 'Do you think we will say no to this? Of course not. You two are just like my own children and I will make sure that your marriage happens extremely well.' Shayari smiled and looked around. There were smiles on everyone's faces. One by one everyone congratulated them.
       Shayari said 'I actually have a small suggestion. Roshni and Aman Bhai's wedding happened without any of the normal rituals that are involved. In fact it was just a Nikkah in a Dargah. They didn't get to celebrate or have fun in their own wedding. Also none of the elders were there, so why don't they also get remarried during our Nikkah?' Aman and Roshni looked at each other and smiled. Roshni said 'Shayari, thank you so much for thinking about us, but we can't possibly do that. You and Rehan are the one's who are getting married, not us. The whole focus should be you two, not us.' Aman agreed with her 'yes Shayari, we don't feel bad at all that our Nikkah happened the way it happened because as long as we are together, even hell will be heaven. Roshni is right, the whole focus should be on you two as it is you special day.' Shayari went to them and said 'please guys, we will not feel bad at all. In fact Rehan and I have already discussed about this, we would be really happy to see your Nikkah happen the way it should have. With all the celebrations and rituals and blessings of the elders. It would be double the happiness for all of us. Please agree.' After a lot of persuasion Aman and Roshni finally agreed. While the families were rejoicing, RoshAn walked a bit away from them and smiled looking at each other.

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