The door opened hesitantly, as I had figured. The Potters were supposed to be in hiding, and only a few people knew where to find them. It was also the Order of the Phoenix's Headquarters.

It was Lily who answered. With a jolt I realized what Sirius - Harry's godfather - had once told me was true. He had been talking to Harry about his mother, and I wasn't really in the conversation, but he turned to me suddenly and said, smiling, "You remind me a lot of her, Ginny. She was big-hearted, like you, and you two even look alike." I remember not really believing him, thinking he was just trying not to make me feel like I was being left out or something. It was one of the only times Sirius actually talked to me, and the most thoughtful, in my opinion. After he died, I repeated the words in my head over and over so I wouldn't forget them. I don't know why, but I think I was just happy to have someone compare me to such a brave witch.

Now I know the last part of his claim was true. I did look like Lily - we both had long, auburn hair and a radient smile. The only thing that made me not think I was looking in a mirror were her eyes. Her beautiful emerald eyes. Harry's eyes.

"Hello," she greeted me with a smile, though I knew deep down she was scared that I might be a Death Eater or something. "May I help you?"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Potter," I assured her. "I'm not working for Voldemort. Actually, I'm part of the Order." It wasn't entirely a lie. I was part of the Order... in my time. "My name is Ginny Weasley."

Her smile turned into a frown. "Oh... Are you a realitive of Arthur's?"

I smiled. "Kind of. Well, yes."

"You must be freezing out here, Ginny. Come in."

Lily let me into the house, and instantly a flood of warmth washed over me. The house smelled faintly of caramel, which I loved. The front door lead into the living room. It was a simple room, not anything too fancy, which I also admired. There was a fireplace casting a glow across the room, a sofa, and a coffee table.

"James!" Lily called. "We have company!"

"Do we? Finally!"

I heard James before I saw him, and he sounded exactly like Harry. When I did see him, I wanted to call him Harry. He was almost an exact copy of him - the round glasses, the unruly black hair, and even their faces looked similar. Of course, Harry had his mother's eyes, and a faint lightning scar, unlike James. He had deep hazel eyes.

And in his arms he was carrying the one and only Harry Potter, my boyfriend, who was a year old. Go figure.

"Aww, man." James's face fell when he saw me. "I thought you meant the Maraudres." He kissed Lily on the cheek.

"Sirius and Remus should be around today, sweetie," Lily informed him. "This is Ginny. She's a relative of Arthur's."

"Oh," James said, shaking my hand with his free hand. "Nice to meet you, Ginny. I'm James, but you can call me Prongs. Or James. I really don't care."

I laughed. "Okay, James."

"So, Ginny," said Lily, "why did you come here? Wouldn't you go to Molly and Arthur's?"

"About that..." I trailed off, not really knowing what to say. How do I explain I'm from the future without scaring them? Then it hit me. "I need to call an Order meeting. It's important. We'll need you two there, obviously, Sirius, Remus, my pa- I mean Molly and Arthur, Alice and Frank Longbottom, Ted Tonks, Andromeda Tonks, even their thirteen year-old daughter Nymphadora, Severus Snape"- James groaned -"and Dumbledore. This is seriously really important."

Lily looked at me seriously. "How important?"

"It's so important, I left my family behind and Time Traveled here."

Oops. Now the both of them were staring at me like I was crazy. I sighed, and showed them both my Time-Turner, and said, "Okay, I was kind of saving that for the meeting... I came from nineteen years into the future. I risked everything for you guys. I don't know if I'll be able to go back. Now do you see how important this is?"

"That's impossible," Lily blurted. "I mean... Time Traveling? Isn't that -?"

"Illegal, yeah. See, I broke the law for you guys."

James was gaping. After a minute, Harry (the baby) giggled, "Daddy!" I grinned; he was cute. But of course, Harry was always cute.

"But... why would you do that?" James asked quietly. "I mean, why do you need to be here?"

I didn't look at either of them. "Voldemort will find out sooner or later where you are. You're both dead. I'm doing this for Harry, because... he doesn't remember you."

"At - at all?" Lily cried, tears sparkling in her eyes. James comfortingly took her hand, though he too looked devastated.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly. "I didn't mean to hurt you -"

"No, it-it's okay," Lily assured me, wiping her eyes. "I want to know. Please, tell us more."

I shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you, except for he's okay. Harry, I mean. There was a big war and... I'll tell you that part at the meeting. But the point is, I came here because I'm going to save your lives. Then we're going to go and save Sirius, and Dumbledore, and Remus, Tonks, Snape, and... my brother. Are you in on my plan?"

James looked to Lily, and held his gaze for a minute straight. Then he sighed and said, "Of course we are. Anything to make our son happy."

A smile lit up on my face. "Wonderful."

So, how did you like the first chapter? Tell me!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, if I don't get at least five comments, I will think you hate this story. I'm actually pretty satisfied. If I left someone that she wants to save out just tell me, because I know I did for some reason.

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