Bad plan

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Jake was menacingly bending over Alicia, but out of context, it looked more like he was about to kiss her. So, to have Heeseung catch him in such a state froze him on his feet.

Heeseung calmly walked up to them.

"Heeseung! Jake, he-," tried Alicia.

"Tsk," cut Heeseung.
He slid his hand across Jake's back, and grabbed his vest, before slowly pulling him away from her.
"Now, now. I don't like what I'm seeing."
His voice was calm, but punctuated with annoyment.
"Alicia, I knew you were still into Jake, trying to make him look at you by dating me. But from now on, refrain from trying to put your hands on what's mine."

"Yours?" let out Alicia, without thinking.

Heeseung grabbed Jake's right hand, and showed it to Alicia. He then raised his own hand and made his fingers dance, showing off the metal ring on his middle finger, identical to the one on Jake's hand.

Understanding that Jake wasn't lying to her earlier, Alicia blushed of humiliation. She exclaimed,

"You two are psychos!"

And ran out of the room, fuming.

The two boys looked at her leave, Jake giggling, and Heeseung sighing.

"I thought you hated these rings," exclaimed Jake, making Heeseung turn to him by a hand on his hips.

"I don't hate them. I'm just mad you bought the wrong size. We look stupid. Mine is on the wrong finger, and yours is even on the wrong hand."

Jake tightened his embrace around Heeseung's waist, and smiled, saying,

"Once we go public, we'll go get them adjusted."

Heeseung took Jake's face in his hands and nodded,

"I'll make sure we do."

On this, he bended over and came to kiss his fiance.

End Game || HeejakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora