Chapter TWENTY

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The party is sort of across town, at this big house in a nice neighbourhood. It's a tree-lined street and the houses are all two-stories with nice front yards and beautiful landscaping. It reminds me of the house I lived in when I was a kid, with my parents and Ryan. Something tugs at my insides as I follow Garrett and Bet inside.

There's already a lot of people here, and Garrett seems to know everyone. I know he's pretty popular at the office, but in the two years we've lived together, he's never invited me to a party with these people before. 

It only takes ten minutes for him to introduce Bet and I to a bunch of people - including the host, Jason, and the guy the party is for, Frank. Then we start drinking. I mean, I have a beer, to start. There's a keg in the kitchen and somehow Garrett manages to bring over three overfilled cups to where Bet and I are standing, in the fancy looking living room. I feel out of place, and I'm probably the younger person here.

"I'm glad you decided to come," Bet says to me, leaning back against the wall.

I watch as she smiles at me and brings her cup up to her mouth for a big sip. I don't know if she really means this - she's glad I came. But I nod anyway.

"I am supposed to go to Jakoby's later, so I might not stay long," I tell her, and then sip my own beer.

"How's it going with him? You guys are dating now?" she wants to know.

Bet is a sweet girl. I mean, she's always been nice to me. But sometimes I feel like she's talking down to me. Or like she's just being nice to me because she has to, because of Garrett. Now, it feels like she's asking about Jakoby with ulterior motives.

"Yeah, it's good," I say, not really answering the question.

"Cool. Well, I'm glad we get to hang out tonight," she finishes but she already scanning the room, looking for Garrett.

Half an hour later, I end up wandering around the house a bit on my own. It's a really nice house. There's a spiral staircase near the back, going up to the second floor. The main floor is all hardwood and the kitchen has fancy new stainless steel appliances. There's a bunch of people in each area I go through, no but one's really paying much attention to me. Until I head back to the kitchen to fill my cup.

"Hey," a young-ish looking guy says to me, looking up from his phone.

There's a few other people in the large kitchen but he's the only one who's noticed me. I walk through to the keg and fill my cup, giving the guy a smile.

"You on your own?" he asks, staying where he is on the other side of the kitchen island.

"Sort of?" I answer, and take a long sip of my now full cup.

The guy - who's sort of cute but sort of creepy - grins. "Want a tour of the house? I'm Jason's brother, Curtis."

I'm not drunk, even after one and half beers, so I know better than to go anywhere alone with this strange guy. I shake my head at him and go back to my beer.

"No, thanks."

"Alright, well come and find me if you change your mind," he says and gives me another creepy smile before leaving the room.

Deciding that being anywhere at this party alone isn't a good idea, I head back out to the main front room to find Garrett and Bet, after I finish off that second beer. I have to excuse myself through some groups of people and then I see them - they are down the dark hallway heading to the back of the house. Bet is pressed against him, and they are making out like teenagers. Suddenly my head is spinning a bit and I narrow my eyes to focus on them, confirming it's them.  I've seen Garrett and Bet together a lot over the last few weeks, but now she's wrapped around him in the dark, his hands are at her face and it feels different. I don't know why. I watch them for a minute too long, my heart pounding.

The Way It WorksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora