In Cadence (pt. 2)

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I looked across to the other side of town to ass two human males running to Sarah's location, I sighted them in and saw that one of them was holding up a medical bag.

(Sarah POV)
I slowly sank down the wall that I'd been leaning against, the shrapnel wound in my arm bleeding profusely. Somewhere in the distance, I heard a voice.

???: Scheiße, wir müssen sie finden. sie könnten verletzt sein

???2: Ich hoffe nur, dass sie es alle geschafft haben. man konnte die Explosion von der anderen Seite der Stadt aus sehen.

I looked up to see two soldiers running to me, one of them carrying an M4A3, the other carrying a bag. I slowly raised my sidearm and aimed at them, and the armed one took notice.

???2: Ich bleibe hier und hole den Sicherheitsdienst, damit sie sich nicht bedroht fühlt.

I shouted to them

Sarah: goddammit, uh... Warum bist du hier?

The one with the bag ran over, opening it.

???: Ma'am, während Sie alle Häuser durchbrachen, verschonte uns einer Ihrer Soldaten.

Sarah: Warum sollte ich dir glauben?

They shrugged, pulling out medical supplies and getting to work on pulling shrapnel out of my arm. While finally speaking in English.

Connor: My name is Connor Heinz, and over there is Jay Beker, and yes we're soldiers


I watched as the one with the bag took care of Sarah. Not seeing a threat, I looked to the horizon to see enemy armor rolling over a distant hill, barring our way to Kessarine Pass. Several soldiers dismount the vehicles and began to set up support by fire locations.

I pulled out the radio.

Me: any station this net, this is sigma-1. Be advised that we have contact 500 meters east of our location. Break. Flot count is 36/5, as in 36 PACs and 5 vics, over.


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