😣Another hospital!😫 I'm sick of them!😡

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Touya P.O.V

Did I ever tell you how much I hate hospitals? No? Well now you know. Anyone would have trauma of hospitals, if they knew that psycho doctor for a good 10 minutes. Waking up in that hospital with the start of my villain legend. So, yeah, not a big fan. Also not of heroes. So waking up in a hero hospital. You can imagine my displeasure, right? Well that's exactly how I'm feeling now. Plus my head is pounding and the recent fever. So that doesn't help lift my sour mood. "This feels like a hangover" I whisper quietly to myself only to be heard by a certain old lady, with a miraculous healing ability for her age. "Drinking? At your age?" She said with a worried voice that I hated as you can practically feel her words dripped with pity. I hate pity! I don't want anyone pitying in me. Pitying is for the weak and helpless. I don't need pity, I am strong. I don't need pity from my family! Much less a stranger that doesn't know a thing about my life! The only people that need pity, are those who are too stupid to do anything about their life. Too stuck playing nice to escape the cage of morals. I learned from a very young age, that the world won't help me. So I got to do it myself. Why should I care about the worlds laws, when they are so obviously biased. Just because my father was a hero, he got away with child abuse. I remember it, so clearly. I remember attempting to ask for help from the outside world. But they had the nerve to laugh at me, saying that Endeavour would never do that and I should learn by now not to lie to the police as it could 'get me in trouble'. I remember how enraged I felt that day, so, so clearly. It's true...The past truly never forgets...I was in enraged at this point, so I replied with a hostile and angered tone " whatever, when I drink is my problem and doesn't concern you. I don't need your pity and stop lying about people that don't concern him. My problems are not your problems, so stop being so nosy. It's not like a little drinking will kill me, so stop acting like you care!" By the end I was full on yelling, without even realising it. The hero's stared at me with shocked faces as I lowered my tone I whispered a small "Plus, no one really cares about me. I was so easily left behind and forgotten." I'm not sure whether she heard me but I hope not. I hate to look so weak, even more so, in front of pathetic heroes. Why... why is it ...Why am I the one... Who's always forgotten...but can never forget. It's ironic, now that I think about it. In my first life, it took me awhile to realise, me dying won't change anything. In fact, I think he became worse, so...I really didn't matter...huh...A wave of sadness engulfed my heart, as I realise the bandages under my eyes were changing colours. Damn...I should be over this by now, but becoming a kid, has made me feel like one. Blood 🩸. Blood seeped into the bandages dying it, a crimson hue. Was I... Crying? I was so shocked and surprised. Then my brain kicked in as my face flushed red. I quickly pulled the duvet over my head to hide my face, ignoring the annoying old  ladies (recovery girl) attempt to see what is wrong with me. What is wrong with me? How could... I, of all people, cry in front of heroes. Me, Dabi, an infamous villain who happens to be the son of endeavor. So pathetic. Was I always this bad at controlling my emotions as a child? Well, this sucks. A lot. I'm so embarrassed and humiliated. I'm used to anger and despair but not this. This weird feeling that makes want to act like a turtle, not out of fear, but embarrassment. If Shiggy had seen this, he'd be laughing his head off. Good thing he's not here. "I am fine" I quietly say in reassurance, so that they would leave me alone. Persistent guy ( erasurehead ) obviously doesn't believe me as he rips the duvet away from my head. Leaving the bear, for all eyes to see my face. I'm starting to get annoyed now, so I just spit it out and tell them what's going on. "I'm fi...ne re...ally. It's just be...cau..se I cr..y blood o..kay."I stuttered! Ugrh!!! I really sound like a helpless child and I hate it. I never knew how hard it was to Control your emotions and expressions as a kid. Annoying. I'm going to hate today to, aren't I. Urgh! Why is this happening to me...Me,of all people. Why am I the one that goes back in time... did they do this just to mess with me as they knew I had a death wish? Whatever the reason, nothing I can do about it now. I hope I die again soon...

 Aizawa P.O.V

Cry blood!?! "Why" I asked the obviously embarrassed child, from crying in front of us. This time however, he gave me a puzzled look and replied with a small "why, what?" I realised I wasn't being specific enough and clarified my meaning. Not without sighing though, of course, because I really hate explaining myself. It's bothersome and a waste of time, that I'd rather waste sleeping. " I mean is crying blood a part of your quirk or something?" I answer the puzzle boy. "Ah! No..." he seems to be debating what to say next, so I give him time. "It's because my tear ducts are heavily burnt..." he replied quietly, as if hesitate to answer. It be lie to say I wasn't surprised at that information but as I was pre-warned by recovery girl that he was heavily scarred and injured, confusion quickly replaced my surprise. " But your eyes look completely fine? Whether it's steam, water or fire. They are all wild and fluid and spread quickly. In order to be heavily burdened in such specific areas, must be a use of a quirk. It's pretty much impossible, otherwise." I ask him as the horror of the revelation sunk in with my words. Just for a second, a mix of fear, panic and pain flashed through his eyes and disappeared as quickly as they came, going back to the usual cold stare. " You know what, you look like a hobo but your brain isn't half as bad as how dumb are you a appear." He said with a tired voice as his sighed afterwards. That was all the confirmation I needed as I felt anger boiling inside of me. To call me mad would be an understatement, I was enraged. How could someone do something so cruel to a child!!! Despicable! I felt disgusted at the very thought, alone. Poor kid, how much trauma you must've injured to this day. It was at this moment I swore to protect this kid no matter what...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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