54. Abhigya's mission somewhat Accomplished...

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The story starts from abhigya who was happy seeing the changes in prakash towards his kids

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The story starts from abhigya who was happy seeing the changes in prakash towards his kids... Not only them even his whole family looking at this with much content after a longtime...

From morning to prakash is doing everything for his kids like running behind them to make them drink milk and helping them to finish the homework and getting them ready for school and taking them to school at evening pick them went to garden and playing with them... Kids looks so happy finally getting back their papa... His kids makes him forgot about that witch Riya... Even she too stopped calling him or trying to meet him because now her target is Rahul(pragya)...

One fine day...

I thought to took you to Mumbai but abhi told me that you're in a relationship with his Bhai... Rahul (Pragya) says...

Riya shockingly says who told you that... That's not true... Everything is a rumour...

Rahul(pragya): you don't have to lie i have seen many girls like that... If you're in a relationship i don't have any problem it's your own wish... I already told you I don't care about past any way it's just a fling only na...

Riya: fling... Rahul how can you say like that... I really like you... The moment I saw you i gave my heart... I don't love anyone... And with Prakash it was just an acting... I don't want to lie anything to you so let me say everything...

She starts to say everything about her...

Riya: just for my existence in this village without any problem only i used him other than that I don't have anything... Please take me with you... I want to be your wife...

Sorry you can't... Because she is already my wife...

Hearing that Riya turns back to find abhi with his friends standing there...

Riya confusingly asks what are you saying...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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