once upon a December

Start from the beginning

And that same music echoed in yours, you had danced like this before; many times, so many times, alone with him, at a ball, in the forest, in your shared room.

At your wedding.

This had been your dance with Harrison, your dance. One you had repeated many times, only love and laughter between you as you were held by him. You looked back into Walter's eyes as the room around you seemed to bloom to life, the mossy stone clean and illuminated by candles, the floor polished and crowded with guests.

His eyes...his eyes-you knew those eyes-not of a twin but-of-of

Could he be-was Walter-no-impossible-but-it

All too soon, the dance ended, Walter stepping away to bow as you did the same, unable to keep your eyes off him as he smiled, but it was sad, a million thoughts behind his eyes as he stared back at you. And suddenly, you were back in the abandoned castle as Walter checked his pocket watch, clicking his tongue as he saw the time "Damn, I have to get back" he muttered, giving you an apologetic smile.

You just stared, mind whirling with the thought that had suddenly appeared, because-it made all the sense in the world while also making everything so confusing. "Come, they'll be wondering where we went," Walter said, taking your hand and leading you out of the castle, glancing back at you every once in a while to see you staring at him, brows furrowed slightly as you tried to figure out your maze of memories.

He let go of your hand as you rounded the corner back to the manor gardens, everyone still lively and talking "I have to go do lord of the manor things" he chuckled, turning to you and bowing his head "thank you (y/n)" when you didn't respond, just continued to stare at him, he nodded and walked off, his shoulders slumping slightly as he re-entered the party.

You took a deep shuddering breath, clutching your necklace as you continued to stare at Walter.

"Harry?" you whispered, and you saw his ear twitch, his eyes darting over to you for a moment before he forced himself to look back at the guests he was talking to. You swallowed hard, taking another deep breath before you turned to go retire for the night, but first-you needed to see Evie.

If just to talk about what happened at the castle, and not about your re-emerged memories.


"Thank you for coming" Walter shook the hands of the leaving Klopstock family, smiling and nodding as they thanked him for hosting. He turned on his heel, about to go retreat to his room for the rest of the night (of course after checking up on you) when the poised voice of Viktoria interrupted him. "Did your girl turn into a pumpkin?" she asked, looking straight ahead as Walter closed his eyes, holding himself back from pinching his nose.

"What I do in my personal time should be of no concern to you, Viktoria" Walter muttered, fixing his sleeves and shaking his head. She had always been a bit, nosey, about his private life. When they had first gotten together, nearly 500 years ago, she had wondered how he became a vampire, wondered who he was before; all too much for someone like him to truly do more for than tolerate.

"You looked to be enjoying yourself" Viktoria redirected, trying to see below the surface without truly prying beneath it; it was never wise to anger Lord Deville after all. Walter just stared at her "Again, what I do in my personal time, should be of no concern to you" Walter reiterated, he didn't need Viktoria in his or your business, especially when her...Jealously, came out in many vicious ways.

Viktoria just stared at him, then tilted her head, her eyes flashing dangerously "who is Harrison? I never knew you to have a brother" Walter closed his eyes again, taking a long deep breath before he turned to face Viktoria fully, licking his lips before he spoke, "a man long dead, from before any of this-"

Once upon a December - The invitation- Walter Deville x readerWhere stories live. Discover now