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Now I know she'll never leave me, Even as she fades from view.
She will still inspire me, Be a part of everything I do.


The rest of your afternoon was spent with Walter and Evie, reading your 'new' book as they conversed, Evie asking about how the Alexander Family knew the Deville's, and where the bride and groom were.

As he spoke about his apparent niece, you could somehow sense he wasn't telling the truth. You glanced up at him from the book every once in a while, and each time; he was looking right back, smiling slightly as he spoke to Evie, fork twirling in his fingers as Evie ate her lunch.

"You are just invested in that book aren't you?"

You finally came back to reality as you looked up from your book, your free hand holding onto Evie's sleeve as she led you to dinner, laughing as you rolled your eyes at her. "Shut, it's a good book" you muttered, feeling a tad embarrassed since you had been so into the book, you had basically ignored Evie and Walter in favor of it all day.

Evie just continued to laugh, until you arrived at the dining room; where everyone was waiting. Everyone being the Alexander family, "There she is" Oliver said, gesturing to the seat open next to him. Evie smiled and pulled away from you to eat with her family.

You noticed there were no other open seats and you quietly backed out of the room, sighing as you re-routed to the kitchens; unable to see Evie as she also realized there were no seats for you, her mood incredibly dimmed now that you were gone. Her family noticed, but didn't ask, assuming she was looking for Walter.

As you arrived at the main kitchen, you noticed it was very busy so you quickly backed out as not to disturb the help since they looked stressed as it was, instead going back upstairs to Walter's personal kitchen, as he did say it was open to you.

Just as you were about to step inside, Mr. Fields interrupted you with that horrid voice of his. "What do you think you're doing? That is the master's personal kitchen" he snapped, making you stumble back as he walked up to you.

"He-last night-he um" you stuttered, unsure how to handle this situation as the Bulter glared at you. He didn't like you, or Evie, that was clear. "Mr. Fields!" you let out a sigh of relief as Walter came storming up behind his butler, his eyes flashing. "What are you doing?! I told you; you are not to treat my guests so harshly!" Mr. Fields clearly didn't expect this tone from the lord as Walter walked around him and stood in front of you, basically shielding you from the old man.

"I was told long ago that your personal rooms were not to be intruded on, by no one." The butler tried to defend himself, stepping back as Watler shook a finger in his face. "And I gave them, Evie and (y/n), access to my kitchen, personally! If I hear you talk to them, especially (y/n), this way again I will have you forcibly removed from this manor. I don't care how many years you have served this family." Walter snapped, an extra bit of-sharpness-to his voice.

Mr. Fields had the gall to look shocked as Walter turned, gently taking your hand and pulling you into the kitchen, slamming the door closed behind him. Walter released your hand and took several deep breaths, pinching his nose as he tried to regain his calm that had disappeared faster than a rabbit on crack when he had seen his butler practically towering over you. "I'm so sorry (y/n)" Walter finally said after a few minutes, turning to you with a wince, "I told him to treat you and Evie with respect, yet as soon as I turn my back he does," he flung his hand in the general direction of the butler "that."

You just hummed, tracing the spine of the book still in your hands. "Thank you, for not letting him continue" you muttered, smiling as Walter sighed, his shoulders dropping "He shouldn't have started in the first place" Walter muttered, ruffling his hair until it was firmly out of his slicked back style, his bangs falling into his eyes.

Once upon a December - The invitation- Walter Deville x readerWhere stories live. Discover now