chapter 14 - Family? I think I'm sick.

Start from the beginning

"No, Louis! I'm serious!" I shouted, realising he'd alreayd left.

I huffed and sat back down on my bed. Comeone spongebob give me some luck. My eyes stared straight at the yellow square, dancing like a fool around with his star shaped friend. My door made another click and Louis walked in wearing a frown.

"What?" I asked, pausing the T.V and turning my attention to the frowned boy.

He swirled his feet in a circle, giving me a weary smile. I sat up, tapping my foot against the carpet anxiously waiting for his answer. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde ahir and spoke as though the world was ending.

"I'm going to my parents this weekend..." He trailed off. Twiddling his thumbs like I was going to get mad or something. A laugh bursted out of my mouth like vomit.

"Louis did you really think I was going to be worried or mad over that?" I questioned, raising a brow at him. He shrugged and started talking again. Only the words he said now had me begging for mercy.

"OH LOUIS NO!" I shouted, trying to run into the bathroom, my feet getting tangled in the blankets which had me falling forward onto my face. An ouch ran out of my mouth and warm hands gripped my ankles, pulling me back onto the bed . I huffed and turned my body away from him, my head buried in the sheets.

"Kelsey come one. It's not that bad. Whats the worst they will say?" He asked, playing with the curls in my hair. My responce was groaning in agony.

"I hate that blonde haired twinkie." I tried saying but was muffled by the sheets that were stuffing my mouth. He pulled me up to face him, his lips inches from mine.

"I Louis William Tommo Tomlinson," He gave me a cheeky grin," Promise that my parents will love you," And with that, he pressed his warm, soft lips to mine, still making that hot, melting kiss I always love. My hands run through his hair, tugging him closer to me. He let a throaty groan and pulled away.

"Fine, I'll go." I said. A smile appeared on his afce and he embraced me into a fuzy hug.

"Thank you so much." He beamed, pecking my lips.

"yeah, no one loves Kelsey like when she's saying yes..." I muttered.


Louis and I spent the day packing up all our stuff for the three day-stay at his mother and fathers house on whome I know will hate my sorry butt.

I push in my last bra and sit on top of the stuffed suit case, barely making it zip up. It looks as if its going to explode any minute and Kelsey clothes will be thrown everywhere. Its not like it isn't dirty now but I just wouldn't want more to clean up when we get back.

The only thing I need now is my toothbrush and toothpaste. My feet move quickly to the bathroom and I grab the two last things, shoving them Into my purse. There is no way in heck that I would open that to put in something could easily fit in my purse without really taking up space.

"Hey, Kel-bel." Darcy said, slipping into my dirt filled room," You really need to clean this up."

Her hand touched an old pair of jeans to which I kindly told they were not the cleanest things I had. She let go of the jeans and wiped her hands on her jean shorts, giving me a disgusted look. I shrugged, giving her a 'doesn't matter to me' look.

"Thats gross. Anywho, I herd you and Louis are going to Louis' parents house? How are you going to cope if his parents hate you or if his dog hates you?" She rambled, trying to make me nervous as crap.

"Ok, so first, when you said herd, you meant that you were listening outside my door to see if were getting it on. Second, he prmosied his parents wouldn't hate me. And third, how do you know if he has a dog or not?" I shot back.

She threw her head back laughing then got all serious," I was and still am a huge directioner. I know all." I put my hands up in defeat. Carter walked in right when Darcy accepted her victory of the dog question.

"So did they get it on?" Carter asked making a winky face to me and a kissy face to Darce. The whole time Carter walked in talking, Darce was making hand motions to try and shut her up.

"No." I said," We hadn't tried for baby making."

her eyes went wide," Coming Zayn, Oh Darcy, I think Liams calling your name too." She mouthed a sorry to Darcy then ran out. Darcy laughed then ran out along with her, shouting Carters name a bit of anger but more embarrassment.

I shook my head and pushed off my stuff from the bed and laid myself down. Cuddeling tight to the pillow.

"Kelsey, wakey-wakey." A voice cooed, poking my head lightly in a still annoying manner. I push away the person and pull myself closer to the pillow," If you don't show then they may hate you then..."

My body shot up quick and I sprinted into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I stepped out of my clothes and into the steamy hot shower. The warm water running down my no-more-clothed back. I washed my hair and brushed my teeth, shaved as much as I could. Yeah...I brush my teeth in the shower...

"We're leaving in twenty minutes!" He yelled through the door. I groaned tiredly and rushed the shower up more, not bothering to even blow dry my hair, knowing it would come out in small curls that stayed at the bottom of my hair. I gripped my glasses and pushed them onto my face. I'd lost them and found them in Louis' room. What had he needed them for? Old man...

I put on a blue skirt with a spiked belt and a navy blue tank top with a white t-shirt tucked in over the tank top and white sandles. I snatched my eyeliner from my make up bag and slathered on a thin line on my top lid.

Louis walks in, looking devilishly handsome. A smile runs across my mouth.

"Lets go meet the family." And thats when the smile drops form my face.

"Family? I think I'm sick." I said, trying my best fake cough and sneezing.

"Oh then looks as if my parents will not like another one of my girlfriends. Sigh." He makes a dropped face and starts out the door knowing I'd be stopping him.

"Fine." I grunted, giving into him. I grab my bag and purse, hurrying behind him and to his parents. Lets just hope this is better then I think.


Ten thousand reads??? Um, how awesome are you? Yeah, beast, thats how :D

okay so Louis wants to take meet his parents?

Yeah, crazy. Will his parents like her? Or will the dog hate her? I actually don't know if her has a dog or not, Heh, funny...

But I do know about the decision of the loveley couple :) *Raises eyebrows in a stalker?creeper way*

See you my children :D

~Keep on lovin and livin~

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