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Plot: Han's boss gives him too much work so Minho takes Han out and he's now he's happy.

Han walked into the house and slammed the door shut as he threw in bag down and took off the his coat. After that he felt himself slipping so he sat in the corner of the living room and cried while calling out "Minnie pwease come hwome"

After about 30 minutes, Han heard the door open. He looked up saw his master. "What's wrong with my baby?" Minho said and went to Han sitting on the floor curled up into a ball.

"Minnie!" Han said and hugged his master. "What's wrong babe?" Minho asked. "Boss give Hannie too much work and said some bad words about me so Hannie hit boss and quit job" Han said.

"Good job baby, you did the right thing" Minho said. "Do you wanna go get some ice cream?" Minho asked. "Yes pwease!" Han squealed. Han and Minho walked out of the house together and walked to the ice cream shop.

"Can I have vaniwa pwease?" Han asked the man. "Sure" The man said. The man got Han's ice cream and gave it to him. "Would you like anything sir?" The man asked Minho. "No I'm fine, thanks for the offer tho" Minho said and he and Han walked out the shop hand in hand.

"Fank you dada" Han said. "Your welcome baby, and daddy will talk to your boss ok?" Minho said. "Ok daddy" Hannie said and licked his ice cream again. "You have some on your cheek" Minho said and kissed Han's cheek to get the invisible ice cream off of it.

"Me woves dada" Han said as he finished the ice cream. "I love baby too" Minho said.


"Dada, me wanna cwuddle" Han said as he climbed up on the bed. "OK, I'm coming" Minho said as he was walking over to his little baby. "Goodnight dada" Hannie said as he drifted off to sleep. "Night pumpkin" Minho said and fell asleep also.

I'm sorry if this is bad cause I haven't wrote in a while so I've kind of lost my skills so yeah

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