Dear Ex-girlfriend

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What happened?

Is all that's been going through my head since our break-up. I know it was a mutual thing but I still can't get that question out of my head. And I know it's been a while since we did break-up but every now and then, I wonder...

We tried so hard and for so long to make it work, we were open and honest with each other and I remember how some nights, those nights we couldn't sleep - whether it be because one of us had had a nightmare or we were just buzzed on the coffee that we stupidly drank before bed - those were the nights we shared our darkest secrets, biggest fears and dumbest ideas.

I look back at those nights and smile, happy that we were once so intimate and I hope that one day we'll both find someone to be that intimate with again, even if it won't be with each other.

This won't be a long letter, just one to let you know that I'm doing fine, and wondering, hoping even, that you're doing just as well.

I'm also writing to let you know about that promotion you suggested I go for. Well, I got it! I'm so happy and it's exactly where I want to be and I want to thank you for pushing me into it. Because if you hadn't I would still be stuck in that dead end job I had before, but now there is so many more opportunities from my current position. So thank you! Thank you so much for helping me out with that.

And I want to offer you the same advice that you gave me:

Go for it.

What ever it is, go for it.

If it's what you want and you know that it'll make you happy.

Then go for it, because nothing can hold you back.

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