fireworks! <2>

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Melody, Andy, and Margaret made their way in to the acre, setting their stuff at the picnic table in the middle of the farm. Andy went in to the barn to get some other supplies, like a lighter and a firework holder, and some picnic blankets.

While he was there, he asked Peter to go get Felix, to which he agreed. Peter suspected the small fish boy to be where all fishes usually are, the lake. Peter stepped on to the doc, yet he couldn’t find Felix anywhere. “Where are ya, kid?” He called out. Felix’s fins slowly peeked through the surface of the water, then his head. “Peter!” They called out.

Felix ran out of the water and hugged him, drenched in water. Peter patted their back and grabbed his hand. “Andy needs ya, let’s go-“ Felix swiped away their hand. “What does he want from me?” Felix shouted as he crossed his arms. Peter was confused because of the sudden outburst. “Well— from the looks of it, him and the others are setting up a picnic?” Felix’s expression didn’t change. “They brought a lot of snacks.” That got a reaction out of them.

Felix was on top of Peter’s shoulders as they came back. Peter put Felix down and went to help out Andy, who was setting up. Andy didn’t say hi to Felix, despite him being the one who went to go get him. Felix sat with his arms folded, away from Melody and Margaret who were happily talking to one another. Claus was nowhere to be seen, Felix assumed he was in the bathroom.

Andy put the pink firework in the stand and backed away from it, instead, Melody grabbed the lighter. She ran over to the firework and was about to light it before looking at Andy. Andy looked back and gave her a fatherly wink. With that, she lit the firework. She ran away from it, deciding to sit next to Felix. He watched the whole thing happen, and he didn’t like it. Melody only did something useful for Andy today, why did he suddenly favor her more? Does Andy even remember they exist? After everything Felix agreed to do for him? Felix got more frustrated.

He felt someone else’s presence next to him and quickly looked over, seeing Melody. They scoffed and scooted away from her. “Felix? Are you okay?” Melody asked, concerned. “I’m fine! It’s not like you totally abandoned me!” He rolled his eyes. This remark stung Melody. “I-I didn’t-“ The firework shot up and exploded with a loud BANG! Felix jumped and his heart raced.

Claus was sitting across from Andy, next to Peter, and Margaret sat next to her boyfriend. Andy and her held hands watching the fireworks. Claus just stared at the scene, no emotions were readable through his face but it was obvious how he felt to those who knew his true feelings.
Andy, Margaret, and Peter were talking about something farm related, making really ‘corny’ jokes (Pun intended). Claus zoned out for a bit, but when he regained focus, he wished he didn’t. Margaret and Andy were kissing, and Peter was just uncomfortably quiet. It was quiet until the loud bang of the pink firework Melody lit.

“Felix, I didn’t mean to-“ Melody tried to find the right words to defend herself from the accusations Felix threw at her, but it was all true. She did abandon Felix, never bothering to say hello to him when she came back. “Can we talk about this another time?” She asked. Felix was outraged, did she really just say that? She had to know she was in the wrong to pull that card. “Just don’t talk to me!” He screeched. Felix grabbed their candy bag and soda and stomped away from Melody.
Felix ate his sweets and drank his fizzy beverage next to Peter. Peter tried to encourage him to be more open to the others about how he felt, but Felix ignored him. The others were continuing to light the colorful explosives, ignoring Peter and Felix’s presence. Thankfully, Peter managed to find some earmuffs in the barn for Felix, as the loud bangs and pops made him nervous and scared.

The smoke from the fireworks made Felix uncomfortable and their gills itchy. Did they even think before inviting him to whatever this was? This made him even more frustrated. Someone grabbed his shoulder. It was Andy. “Felix! Can you hear me?” Felix nodded, giving Andy a cold stare. “Sorry I didn’t welcome you, I was so busy- anyway, are you having fun?” Andy smiled. Fun. Fun?? Did this look like “fun”?? Felix shrugged. “Whatever man.”

Andy didn’t know how to respond. He glanced at Peter, who gave him a ‘I dont know’ look. He awkwardly walked back to Margaret, who was trying to cheer up Melody. The smoke only got worse and his scales only got more irritated. Felix continued to hold down the earmuffs on his head. He asked Peter to tell Andy and the others that he’s leaving, and Peter did. They all waved goodbye to him as he went out to the lake to soothe is aching gills.

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