The man in glasses nodded and Fisk gave a disgruntled hum. "Very well. Is that all?"

"I do know that Dr. Rosenberg is nearly done with his assessment so it won't be much longer before he comes out with an update and we can get her settled into her room. While you wait, can I get anyone some coffee or some food?"

"No, thank you, Miss Jones but we appreciate the hospitality."

She nodded and pulled out her business card. "Very well. If you change your mind, here's my card and the better coffee machine is out of these doors, down the hall, and in the room that's the third door on your left." She gave a curt nod to both the man in glasses and to Fisk before turning to leave.


"You are crazy for coming in," Claire said as she saw Evelyn approach the nurse's station.

"No one else was going to do it."

Claire gave her friend a pointed look. "You know damn well Shirley could have handled things just fine."

Evelyn shrugged. "Maybe I just needed to get out of Matt's apartment for a little while."

"Does he know why you're here?"

"Are you kidding? He would have popped all of his stitches trying to get me to not come in. I'll be fine. He's in here for his girlfriend. I just gotta feel icky for helping him for a little bit but despite what we know, having a loved one on the brink of death is never an experience I would wish on anyone."

Claire gave her a knowing look before bringing her in for a hug. "How'd things go?"

"About as well as they could have. Foggy will call me when he's ready and I've just got to keep Matt from going out until he heals."

"Come with me on vacation. I'm going out of town soon for a few days and you need one badly."

Evelyn shook her head. "As lovely as that sounds, I can't leave them just yet."

With a sigh, she nodded. "Just take care of yourself, please."

"I am."

She gave her a pointed look, causing Evelyn to laugh. "I am! Now, do you need anything before I go back down to the ICU?"

"No. Have fun down there."

She let out an amused huff. "See you later. I wanna hear more about this vacation."


Evelyn stopped by the nurse's station first, getting the rundown of what Shirley had already put in place. It really was one of the better rooms on the unit. Dr. Rosenberg brought Fisk and his men up and soon the hallway was filled with his security detail. The doctor motioned toward her and she stepped forward with a smile. "And I'm assuming that you've met Miss Jones?"

Fisk nodded. "Yes, she came out to apologize on behalf of her colleagues."

"Good. She was introduced to me as the woman who can solve any problems you may have during your stay. She'll be sure everyone is well taken care of, including Vanessa." The doctor further explained.

"Yes, that's right. The room you have is one of the best. It has a great view of the city. Is right near the nurse's station in case you need any medical assistance and is currently the only room occupied on this part of the unit. The seating under the window pulls out into a bed or we also have a few respite rooms available if any of you would like to rest throughout her stay. I'll be around during meal times to make sure everyone gets something to eat and once Miss Marianna wakes up, make sure she gets only the best. Is there anything I can do for you now?"

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