Chapter 8 - Fifth fight

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Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog

Charlie Carver - quirk: Slimecian


Fumikage Tokoyami - Quirk: Dark Shadow

Toby Watson (Tubbo) - Quirk: Bee

POV Charlie:

Since no one from the previous fight was highly injured and Momo was conscious again, the fifth fight followed quickly. 

As of right now, me and my partner stood next to the bomb.

Me: „So, any ideas about what we could do? Asui, right?"

Asui: „Yes, but you can call me Tsuyu."

Me: „Okey Tsuyu. I'm Charlie."

Tsuyu: „Well, I don't know the exact quirks of the others, but Tokoyami seems to use a shadow of some sorts called ‚Dark Shadow'. And you?"

Me: „Only the exact of Tubbo. He told us that his quirk is called ‚Bee', but nothing more. As you know, he can fly, but he told us nothing more. We shouldn't take this one lightly, as we don't know for 100% what quirks they have."

Tsuyu: „I can agree with you. We saw what could happen when we underestimate our enemies..."

I shook myself after remembering the last fight. 

Me: „It seems that you aren't better than anyone else, even as recommended student... But back to OUR fight!"

Tsuyu: „Yeah, you are right. So what is your quirk *ribbit*?"

Me: „Oh, my quirk is called ‚Slimecian'. My body consists of a slime-like substance, which I can form into weapons or use it to jump higher and it reduces damage on impact. Wait,... why did you say ‚ribbit'?"

Tsuyu: „This is part of my quirk: frog. I have abilities of a frog. And sometimes my body just makes these noice. They increase when I panic."

Me: „Sounds cool. So are we team ‚bounce'?

Tsuyu: „Team ‚bounce'?"

Me: „Well, we both can jump higher than most others. I just thought it could be a cool name."

Tsuyu: „I don't think we really need a team name for this exercise. *ribbit*"

Coms: „Preparation time is over. Good luck to all students!"

Tsuyu: „Seems like we have no time left. How about we directly jump to the forth floor?"

Me: „Well, I can't."

Tsuyu: „Didn't you say that your body is slime like? You also said team ‚bounce'."

Me: „Yeah, but I can't jump high or so. I can bounce, like when I fall from high ground. But not ‚jump' high."

Tsuyu: „And didn't you said it BEFORE our exercise?"

Me: „Forgot it?"

Tsuyu: „Well I don't think I can carry you all by myself. So I th-„

Me: „Wait a second!"

Tsuyu just stared with a confused look at Charli and before she could say anything he suddenly shrinked into a small puddle of forest green slime.

Me: „I should be light enough like this!"

Tsuyu: „I shouldn't comment on this, should I?"

Me: „No, I'm pretty sure I know what you are thinking."

Tsuyu: „How can you even talk? You are just slime."

Me: „Don't know. It just works."

I slowly moved onto her boots and slightly harden myself so that I can stick onto he while she would jump. During this time I just looked straight at her boots, not daring to invade her privacy.

Me: „You can jump. Don't worry, I'm not looking at any private areas. I'm not a creep."

Tsuyu: „Uhhh..?"

I already knew that she wouldn't believe me really, since my eyes aren't visible.

Me: „I respect every person, no matter the gender or sex. This includes not looking at private areas of anyone. But we should hurry now, we have already lost about 5 minutes."

Tsuyu: „Yeah, you are probably right."

Tsuyu finally jumped to the window in the forth floor, opening it and going in. While she slowing stood up, I quickly removed myself from her boot and regained my original form.

Me: „Let's go."

Together we quickly ran to the room, where the bomb should be located. But before could reach the door suddenly we were met with a first. While Tsuyu feel down do to the impact, I stood there like nothing happend. Sadly I wasn't fast enough before the capture tape wrapped around her, calling her out.

„Dark Shadow attack again!"

Another fist collided with me, this time prepared, my body reacted again. And again I stood there like nothing happend.

Me: „Seems like you can't do anything!"

Two people jumped out of the dark: Tokoyami and Tubbo.

Tokoyami: „Dark Shadow, attack!"

This time 2 hands, giant as f*ck, wanted to grab me. I could tell their hands wanted to grab me with force, but I was quicker. My upper body transformed into slime and the hands glided through my body. After the hands are a few centimetres away, my body regained it's original form.

Me: „Uhhhh..., this is new."

The creature, I think called Dark Shadow, screeched.

Dark Shadow: „Why don't you go down!"

Tubbo now jumped at me with his hand stretched out, while Dark Shadow did the same. This time I let my full body go into slime form, so that their hands slides through it. Neither of them couldn't hit me. I just need to find a way to stop them.

But before I could do something, a tongue flew right passed my and grabbed both Tubbo and Tokoyami. I quickly turned around seeing a quite beaten Tsuyu, yet still awake.

Tubbo: „Uhh! I thought - you knocked her out?!"

Tokoyami: „Reveal in the dark!"

Tubbo: „I can't get my hand out!"

Tsuyu: „Go Charlie, I will handle them!"

Me: „Thank you!"

With that, I started running. If she is buying me time, then I will for sure use it. Locating myself through the maze wasn't very difficult considering that we were able to see the outlay beforehand. In no time I reached the room and quickly touched the bomb.

All Might: „The heros won this exercise. The bomb has been retreated!"

Me: „Thank goodness."

We were one of the fastest teams, not counting in the time that we lost during our talk. I will admit that it was fairly easy, but only do to my quirk. I didn't even knew that my body could react that quickly at the moment of impact without me actively using it. 

Learning something new already...

I was still standing in the room, until I was brought back to reality by Tsuyus voice through our communicators. 

Tsuyu: „Are you okay? *Ribbit*"

Me: „Yeah, I'm fine. On your side?"

Tsuyu: „Yes. Dark Shadow was able to free himself and go after you, but you were able to finish it quicker, didn't you?"

Me: „Yup, didn't see him."

Tsuyu: „We will already go, are you coming?"

Me: „Oh sorry! I'm on my way!"

Half of the matches are over. And more stronger people will follow. I'm already exited for the outcome of the next match...

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