NamJoon was also starting to worry about his YoonGi Hyung. He has a habit of not taking care of himself and isolating himself while working on his music. "I thought so too. Maybe he has a lot on his mind. I know he's been working on new songs even though we recently dropped an album and we have that concert coming up. I just hope he's not over doing it again." HoSeok spoke up again while helping NamJoon clean up. "I'm really glad we all agreed to sign on for another 7 years. When are they releasing the statement about it. I know they brought it up at our last meeting." NamJoon smiled and quickly replied, "They'll release the statement in a couple weeks. I'm really happy about our new contract too." "Lets go drag YoonGi Hyung out of his studio and head home." HoSeok suggested. NamJoon quickly agreed with HoSeok's idea, he saved all of their progress then turned off all of his equipment, and they headed next door to the Genius Lab.

     They could see the light still on so they knew YoonGi was still inside. They entered through the first door noticing that YoonGi's shoes were still placed outside of the second door. NamJoon rang the bell and waited. YoonGi opened the door. "Oh. Hey guys." He opened the door farther letting both the guys in while he walked over to his chair. NamJoon and HoSeok walked over to his sofa and sat down watching YoonGi go right back to work. Surprisingly YoonGi spoke up first. "I sent JungKookie home about an hour and a half ago. I'm surprised you guys are still here." NamJoon responded quickly, "Hyung you're still here." HoSeok chimed in right after. "Its late Hyung. You should come back with us." YoonGi hummed then responded back. "I'll go back soon. You guys should head out."

     Both NamJoon and HoSeok sighed while looking at each other then as if reading each others minds they both decided they were not leaving without their Hyung. YoonGi then let out a sigh. "You guys aren't leaving. Are you?" As if on que both guys smile at each other then responded at the exact same time. "Not without you."

     It'd be a lie if YoonGi were to say that this didn't make him happy. Just knowing that they care enough to want him home. He smirked a little then decided he should probably just do what the younger two wanted. So he saved his progress then shut everything down and turned around in his chair asking, "Have you guys eaten?" "Not yet Hyung we had gotten hung up on the song we were working on so we were just going to pick something up on the way home." NamJoon said smiling knowing that his YoonGi Hyung was actually going to listen and go home. YoonGi continued with, "Lets walk out together. Hobi can drive you two home. I'll pick up food on the way and meet you there." "Hyung you haven't eaten either?" NamJoon asked with concern. "No. I was busy and wanted to finish." "Okay Hyung lets go then." HoSeok said smiling.

     They all walked out of YoonGi's studio. YoonGi quickly closed his door and locked it. The three of them walked out to their two separate cars together.

*Buzz Buzz*

     YoonGi's phone started vibrating, alerting him that he was getting a text. He pulled his phone out while NamJoon and HoSeok watched.



Hyungie are you coming home soon?
Its really late.
Jin, Minie, and Tae are all in bed already.

I'm leaving right now.
Why aren't you in bed?
You should be sleeping.

I knew you were still at the studio and you have been staying later and later.
You need sleep too Hyungie.

I'll be there soon.


     Both NamJoon and HoSeok looked at YoonGi with a raised brow, asking who was messaging him so late. YoonGi smirked realizing that both men in front of him are coming off like jealous boyfriends. "Hm. Its just JungKookie. Apparently he is still up. I'll get the food real quick and see you guys at home." YoonGi said as he put his phone back in his pocket. "Okay Hyung." NamJoon and HoSeok said at the same time. "Drive safe." HoSeok called out to YoonGi. "Always. You too." YoonGi answered back.

     YoonGi quickly got into his car and drove to a little place that he knew would still be open. He got to know the little Auntie that owns the place when he came across the little place while walking around in the middle of the night trying to clear his head. It was only a 5 minute drive and then he was walking in greeting the Auntie that he tried to visit at least a couple times a month and ordering food to go. "You're ordering more than usual." She said smiling sweetly at him. YoonGi smiled back as he responded, "Yeah. I'm taking some food home to the guys."

     YoonGi couldn't help but smile at the mention of the guys and Auntie threw in some extra lamb scewers knowing that they are one of his favorite foods. YoonGi waited about 10 minutes for the food, paid, and said his goodbyes carrying the bags out to his car. Auntie has got to be one of the sweetest ladies he had ever met.

     The drive home didn't take too long and then he was parking his car and walking into their building. Finally getting to the door he unlocked the door removed his shoes and placed them in their cubby then walks in towards the dinning room table. He could see NamJoon, HoSeok, and JungKook all sitting in the living room with the tv on low waiting for him. YoonGi called them to the table. "Foods here. You guys should eat and then go to bed. Rehearsals for the concert start soon."

     As all three men made their way to the table where YoonGi handed each of them their food then threw away the bags that they came out of. JungKook thanked him for the food even though he hadn't asked for it he was pretty hungry. "Aren't you going to eat Hyung?" NamJoon asked with a raised brow. YoonGi responded back. "I'm not hungry Joon-ah. I got it for you guys. Please eat and then get some sleep. I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys later."

     All three men looked at each other and realized that he had ordered each of them their favorites. JungKook and YoonGi have some of the same favorites but he didn't order his own food. YoonGi was always taking care of them like this, never making a big deal out of it. "Is Hyung okay?" HoSeok asked the other two sitting at the table. NamJoon answered back, "I'm not sure. He's always been harder for me to read. I'll talk to him tomorrow though." JungKook chimed in with a mouth full of food. "He may be harder to read but he seems to read all of us so well."

     They all shook their heads in agreement then continued eating their food which seemed to taste even better since they all knew it came with love from YoonGi. After finishing they all cleaned up their trash and headed to their rooms.


Word Count: 1955

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