Start from the beginning

"If only they were in the cellar!" – he tragically replies.

"Did your parents sell them or give them to someone else?"


"Worse? What happened?"

With a theatrical gesture that would be perfect in the script of any playwright, Hyuga closes his eyes and points at the bin with his index finger.

"HUHHHH?! You threw them away?! But they were your treasure, you were so proud of your collection!"

"I know. It was a painful decision, but they were destroyed for a good cause."

"A good cause?"

Your friend tells you about how that devil of a coach made him break a statue for each missed three-pointer during practice and how he ended up accepting this challenge. The story is indeed funny, but you're kind of sorry for all the fallen soldiers and the ones still on the shelf, waiting for their last breath.

Browsing a bit more you find photos and old relics that date back to your primary school years, sources of endless chats. You spend the afternoon telling each other any kind of story that starts with "Do you remember when..." and ends with a fit of laughter. It's undeniable, the passing of time definitely reconnected you and you're more than enthusiastic about your rediscovered friendship with someone you thought you'd never meet again.


(Timeskip, Hyuga's point of view)


I run towards the three-point line to receive my teammate's pass: after a long if not infinite series of blocks I finally have the chance to shoot an open three-pointer, and I can't miss it. When my hands catch the ball I'm already perfectly positioned: I shoot and the ball fluctuates in the air towards the rim. Until, before I can notice a shadow running in my direction, the trajectory suddenly interrupts and the ball falls to the ground. Mibuchi Reo glares at me haughtily as he once again proceeds to take away from us any chance of victory.

"Don't mind, Hyuga!"

"We'll get back on track!"

No, we won't and you know it. We're almost thirty points behind and there are just ten minutes left until the match ends, there's no way we win against Rakuzan High. Actually, I've always thought that our bunch of basketball-loving weirdos wasn't going to last that long against the other teams, much more powerful and experienced, but I believed in us. I believed in that little spark of hope and fought with everything I had, making my teammates do the same and give their 100%. Today though, I wonder why we keep giving our best when our best clearly isn't enough. Not only because the match is obviously lost, but also because we can't physically do anything: we haven't scored a single point since the first half of the last period, we haven't managed to arrange one decent action, neither offensive nor defensive. Hayama Kotaro, Mibuchi Reo, Nebuya Eikichi: those three represent obstacles that we can't overcome, and even though I usually feel thrilled when I face tough challenges, it has no meaning to keep going when it's fish in a barrel.

Still another offense for Rakuzan, that quickly transforms into yet another basket that adds up to their already high score.

"Hey Hyuga! Look!" – Izuki exclaims before the throw-in, pointing at something on the bleachers. (Name)! So she did come to see us! Looking hard I see her holding a huge white, black and red banner. In the middle the words "Seirin, fight!" surrounded by symbols that represent us: an eagle, a cat, a grey heart and... oh no. Oh she didn't. That wretch! Look at her staring at me and laughing up her sleeve! I close my fists and smile, feeling a brand new strength flowing in my veins. Ok then, (Name). Now it's time for me to really transform.

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now