Chapter Seven

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I make it outside, Grayson letting go of my hands before I reach the door. I wanted to apologize to him, but I couldn't speak. I couldn't say anything.

My head hurts, and my thoughts are still going at what I think is a hundred miles per hour.My sisters are in the car. I quickly slide into the seat on the car's passenger side, next to Avery in the middle.

I can't look at either of my sisters. I can't look at anyone or anything.

"Ashlyn," I hear my name, I think it was Libby that said it, but I can't hear anything else she says, I can't hear anything.

How did this all happen? Why are Avery and I in this random man's will?

Tobias Hawthorne is, or at least was, a powerful man that could get basically anything his heart desired, so why on earth would he basically disinherit his family for two random teenage girls from New Castle, Connecticut?

When the car stops, I finally look around. First, I can hear a muffle of Libby and Avery whispering. Then, I can see John Oren leave the driver's seat before my door opens, frightening me.

I exit the SUV, looking at the building in front of me. It's a large, luxurious hotel. I would say we wouldn't be able to afford this however we could.

The name looks familiar, it's fancy, but I remember reading it in the list of businesses Tobias Hawthorne owned.

We walk through the lobby, being greeted by Alisa. She's talking about the will.

I don't want to talk about the will. I don't want to listen about the will. I don't want to know about any of it.

We're in our rooms in the hotel. They are way too fancy, the fanciest rooms I've ever seen."The two of you will have to live in Hawthorne House for a year starting within three days," I hear Alisa say.

I don't care; I want to go home.

I want to sleep.

I feel my legs move. I leave the room, leave everyone, and go to my bedroom.I can't do this right now; I can't do any of it.

I want to sleep. I try to sleep. But I can't.

It's like the world is still too loud; although the walls silence it, I can't hear any of it, but it still feels too loud.

It's been hours when there is a knock at the door.

I quietly make my way into the front room; standing at the door before entering, I can see John open it.
Its Grayson. He's here.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asks. His eyes are narrow as he glares at Avery in front of him.

"You shouldn't be here," Avery speaks. She pulls the robe she's wearing closer around her."I've spent the past hour telling myself much the same thing, and yet, here I am." He looks as though he hadn't been able to sleep, obviously considering he was here instead of at Hawthorne House, in bed.

"Grayson-" "I don't know how you did this. I don't know what hold you had over my grandfather or what kind of con you're running here" He cuts Avery off.

"I'm not-" "I'm talking now, Ms. Grambs. I haven't a clue how you pulled this off, but I will find out. I see you now. I know what you are and what you're capable of, and there is *nothing* I wouldn't do to protect my family. Whatever game you're playing here, no matter how long this con- I will find the trust, and God help you when I do" His voice is filled with venom, but I hear the tiny crack in the last of his rant; I hear his voice break.

Avery slams the door in his face before she looks at her hands; there is her letter. She quickly goes to her room, not even glancing in my direction.

I can't help myself when I open the door again. I see him; he's not too far, just down the hall.I see him stop; he freezes in place. Only for a few seconds. But in those few seconds, I walk out the door, following him quickly.

"Grayson," I hear my voice, as though it's not me speaking.

He stops again and turns. I see the anger on his face.

"What do you want, Ash" His tone is filled with pain, as though even saying my name or even looking in my direction caused him to be in pain.

I finish walking toward him. I'm only a foot away now. I see the speed of his chest rising and falling. I see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

I see the pain on his face caused by looking at me, by me being this close to him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Avery and I didn't know your grandfather. I don't know why we were in the will. I'm just as confused as you, and I'm so sorry," I speak, his eyebrows furrowing as his eyes soften.

"Ms. Grambs-" "Ash. Call me Ash, you know this, Grayson" I cut him off.

"Ash, I don't know why he disinherited my family because he was always about family. I don't know why any of this has happened, and I don't know why I'm so emotional about this. I've always been fine, but I feel like everything is just happening all at once, and it's so so hard" His voice breaks as he talks, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

I gently take hold of one of his hands, he's hesitant at first, but I lead him to the wall before sitting down, causing him to sit next to me, back against the wall.

"Grayson, it's okay to be emotional, a big thing has happened, and it's left your family in tatters; your emotions are okay to be all over the place; you need to take a breath and step back for a few minutes, let yourself figure out your emotions and let yourself relax. You need it. Then, we can figure all of this out together, okay? We'll help each other"

Paparazzi//Grayson Hawthorneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن