"a false memory charm would be fine" Sirius chuckled

"SIRIUS!" Lily shouted

He chuckled

Sirius sat on the motorcycle, James behind him then Remus

"Watcha waiting for kiddo?" Sirius said to Vanya. And with a unsure face she sat behind Remus.

"Move! I'll fall down" Vanya said

Now the four were sitting on a single motorcycle.

Marlene took her wand "don't move!" She muttered something even Lily doesn't know and the motorcycle extended

"How did you do that?" Lily asked as she raised her eyebrow

"Dorcas taught me this" Marlene said

Vanya gave her a smiled. She know how much Marlene misses Dorcas. She was her girlfriend from past 2 and half year

Harry sat behind Vanya and Marlene behind Harry. All of them looked at Lily

"Er..NO!" Lily took a step back "I'll be not sitting there. You all will get in trouble and I don't want to be a part of.. whatever this is"

"Come on Lily, you can sit behind me" James said but Lily shook her head

"Where are you taking them exactly?" Lily ask Sirius "just........here.." he answered


"Lily stop being a baby and sit!" Marlene said as she grab lily's hand and forcefully made her sit between herself and Harry.

"Wh- that's kidnapping!" Lily shouted

Few muggles looked at them. It was 9pm and six teenagers were 'kidnapping' the seventh one

"Is everything alright here?" One of them asked.

"Everything's fine Sir" Vanya quickly answered "me and my friends are just..messing around"

He looked between them.

"It's fine Sir. Really" Lily answered embarrassingly

"Driving a motorcycle with these many people?" The man again

"excuse me Mr" Sirius started "who are you? And why the fuck do you care what we are doing?"

"Wh- how DARE you talk to -" but before he could complete his sentence Sirius interrupted

"Hold tight!" He told his fellow mates and within the next second he started the motorcycle "GO HOME OLD MAN!" He shouted at the man and drove away.

All of them hold each other tightly because there were seven people on it. They were sitting very close to each other. Lily and Harry let out a scream when the speed breaker came.

"HAHAAH PADFOOT I LOVE YOUU!!" James shouted happily.

It was actually one of the best feeling. The wind was blowing fast, weather was good. It felt like it could rain any second.

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