Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I slammed my trunk shut. It was filled with school uniforms, normal robes, muggle clothes, spellbooks, and some other things that were essential for school.  I made sure to show my anger for being sent to Hogwarts so that my father could see it. He really did it this time. He totally pissed me off.

I had called a cab, by my father’s orders (which was very surprising as he hated the muggles with passion), to take me to King’s Cross Station where I would take the train to Hogwarts. I already had a ticket. I got it from… some sources down at Knockturn Alley. That’s probably the best place to get items.  

I scowled as I caught sight of the train station up ahead. Here I am, dressed as a stupid muggle, feigning innocence, and going to that horrid school they call Hogwarts. I paid the cab driver and placed my trunk on a nearby trolley. I pushed it in front of me as I searched for platforms nine and ten, as my father had instructed.  I quickly found it. Just when I was about to go into the wall dividing the two platforms, a family of five suddenly arrived and I had to go out of their way as they passed through. My eyes narrowed, when I saw that one man in their group was wearing glasses and had a lightning shaped scar on his forehead.  From the numerous posters that I saw of him, I knew, that this was Harry Potter.

Once all five of them went through, I swiftly followed them. But when I arrived on the other side, I was met by the sight of hundreds of families, waving goodbye to their children who were going off to Hogwarts. The whole platform was packed! I lost sight of the Potters.

Furious with myself, I took my trunk out of the trolley and pushed and heaved it all the way to a section on the train that was not so full of other students. I didn’t know how I did it but I managed to get my heavy trunk up on the train. Then I pulled it with me throughout the entire car in search of an empty compartment. I managed to find one on the middle part of the train and I immediately shoved my trunk inside. I gratefully sank on the cushioned chairs and I let myself rest for a few minutes.

I waited for the train to start moving as I checked my watch. It was a quarter to eleven. I groaned and I desperately searched for something to entertain myself by then. Then I settled for watching the passing people outside the window. Boring. I tried twirling my wand again. Boring. Looking up at the ceiling. Boring. Staring at the seat in front of me. Boring. Muttering a few spells I know under my breath. A bit okay… but still boring. God! Am I just boring myself to death?

Just when I thought that I was finally going to rot away in boredom, the train lurched forward and a whistle blew. Screams of sickening ‘I love you’ s and ‘Be sure to write!’ rang through the air. It made my stomach churn with the sweetness of it all, and I was sure that it had nothing to do with the now moving train. The only shouts that I found interesting were the ones that said, ‘Get on!’

I watched with disdain as people waved happily at their children on the train. I got up and locked the compartment door. When I sat down, I noticed that we were moving outside of London and pretty soon, green fields and hills stretched out before me. All of the peace in here makes me sick. Oh man, is my father finally punishing me for smart talking a lot? I was just itching to go out there and destroy all those things…


I gave an uncharacteristic  yelp when the sudden noise rang throughout the compartment. Once I collected myself and cursed under my breath for sounding so weak, I looked for the source of the sound.  My eyes widened when I turned around to face the compartment door.

A boy, around fifteen, with platinum blond hair, thin face, pointed chin, and a faint trace of arrogance, was looking at me through the compartment door. He had a faint smile on his lips as he mouthed the words, ‘Can I come in?’ to me and pointed to the expensive looking trunk at his side.

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