Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 I nod at Scorpius lazily as he tells me about a trip to Brazil with his father. It’s already dark outside and the speakers all over the train announced that we will be arriving at Hogwarts in two hours. Scorpius seemed to think that that time would be best spent on talking about himself.

 I had long since lost my energy at teasing him. I wanted to sleep so badly but he kept fidgeting and I just had to keep a conversation go on. I never expected it at first but Scorpius Malfoy was really talkative. I nod again as I heard his voice say something. It sounded like a question so I just nodded. Hey, not my fault that I wasn’t interested in his story.

 I endured the pain of listening to him for about ten more minutes before he seemed to notice me dozing off as I nod, yet again, at his words. He smiled at me sheepishly and apologized for not making the story interesting. I waved off his apology and yawned.

 “Hey, pretty boy, mind if you go change in the bathroom?” I told him.

 He was pretty surprised at my question. “Change? I think we still have two hours.”

 “Yeah, but your story, killed an hour, so better hurry up if you don’t want to go to the castle in those clothes.” I said. He mumbled an okay and rummaged around his trunk for a set of his uniforms. Once he got everything, he turned to leave. I was about to start changing myself when he came back and said,

“Hey! How come you get the-“

 He stopped in mid-sentence when he saw the state I was in. I froze too. I was pulling my shirt over my head and had already revealed my stomach. Thankfully, it still covered the upper portion, but it was still so embarrassing.

“I… I… ah… I…” Scorpius stuttered.

I came out of my shock first and the first emotion that came to me was anger. Red Hot Anger. “PERVERT! GET OUT! NOW!” I screamed as I quickly pulled my shirt down. He quickly scrambled out of the way but that did not stop me from chasing after him.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to-“

“DIDN’T MEAN TO WHAT?! I WAS CHANGING, YOU IDIOT!” I screamed after him. I spotted a book nearby and I threw it at him. He dodged and quickly turned at a corridor to the left. I let out a breath and stomped back to the compartment.

I changed quickly because I was now afraid of him coming back again. I sighed and sat down on my seat. My anger was gone now and embarrassment quickly replaced it. I tried shaking it off my head and I sighed again. Maybe I should go to a bathroom and wash my face. I’m sure it’s very red. I was about to go when my whole body froze.

“So, met a new friend, have we?”

My eyes widened. I totally forgot about him.

“You just met him for a mere eight hours and you’re already showing yourself off to him?”

“It was an accident and you know it!” I snap at my father.

“Oh? Was it really? You knew pretty well that he was still within the corridor.”

“I wasn’t careful alright? I just wanted to change my clothes.”

“Tell that to your new friend… It seems that you’ve let your senses and your guard down. I expected better of you. Either do your job right or I’ll teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget, Athanasia.”

He lets his control of my body go and I breathed out a sigh of relief. Usually, when he controls me, it takes him a few weeks to recover his energy. There was at least one thing that came out good from his brief control of me. It made the redness in my face go away.

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