Chapter 33: In this situation again

Start from the beginning

"God, can we talk about something OTHER than my love life. I would rather not talk about it with my abusive ex boyfriend." 

"Aww, tsk tsk. Well how's Harry handling it. I bet he- oh wait. You didn't tell him did you?" 

I looked away, feeling guilty. His focus was back on the cauldron. I was thinking about what I could do to derive his focus elsewhere. I didn't have my wand, nor could I run, and none of the wandless spells I knew would assist me in this situation. I looked around until next to my arm I noticed a small, but sharp rock. It was within hand's reach and I quickly grabbed it. Loren had let go of my wrist by now, but it had slight bruising on it. I quickly switched the sharp rock to the hand closer to Loren. I position my hand behind Loren's back, before stabbing it directly into his back. His yelps of pain immediately filling the air. I did this twice more. I knew he wouldn't really get much injured from this, but it gave me the distraction I needed. I grabbed my wand from his pocket and hastily casted a spell. 


I begin running as quickly as I can. I had bruises on my shoulders and wrist, again! Plus, I had to tell Mattheo about this so we could stop Loren. I knew he wouldn't be very happy.  

I desperately entered the Slytherin rooms with the password, ignoring everyone and their stares. I desperately knock on Mattheo's door. 

"Damn chill, who is it!" He opens the door and I immediately rushed in. "You could've knocked softer." 

"Mattheo. I need you to listen to this with an open mind, and you can't burst out of the room while I'm speaking... ok?" I sit down on his bed and pat down a spot next to me. 

"Ok.... you just left so suddenly and now you just all of a sudden come up here with something important? Wow." 

"Look, I'm sorry, but this is crucial. So when I was leaving, I went to the courtyard, and I saw Loren, and he signaled me to follow him, so I did." 

"You what?" He turned to me and looked me up and down to see if I'm ok. 

"Hey, I'm fine, sorta." I felt like I had bruises on my back from when he slammed me on the tree, because I felt pain there, the adrenaline probably covered the pain up. "But listen, so I followed him, and we ended up at this patch in the Forbidden Forest." 

"This is just gonna keep on getting worser and worser isn't it?" He laid down on his back, rubbing his hands over his face. 

"ANYWAYS! I was trying to convince him not to do it, and I may be delusional, but honestly, I don't think he's a bad person... just broken. I mean, you could see it." I face more towards Mattheo to get his attention. "He was genuinely heartbroken, until I tried to take the herbs and he well... yeah." 

"He what?" I sat back up grabbed my waist so I could face him. "What did he do?" 

"I'll tell you just wait." He gives me a look of protest. "Please?" He sighs and nods, telling me to proceed. "He took my wand and made me stay with him until I was able to escape using a sharp rock." 

"Damn, cunning as always." He smirks, but then goes back to his serious expression.  

"Now that you've told me the story, what did he do?" 

"I guess he didn't realize how much force he was using and uh." I pulled up my sleeve, revealing small bruises that had formed around my wrists. "And uh, there are some on my shoulders, and maybe my back so-" 

He took a deep breath, an expression of anger resting on his face. "Well, I might have picked up a spell that can help with this, come." He lightly grabbed my forearm and took me to his restroom. He took his wand and muttered a spell at my wrist, and it automatically healed. 

"I had, no idea there was a spell like that." 

"There isn't, my mother made it, she taught it to me." 

"Oh, well if you don't mind, can you teach it to me?" 

"I'd love too. Anything to have more time with you." He smiled and then came the hard part.  

"Uh, we got to do your shoulders, and then uh, your back." 

I gulped awkwardly, realizing what this meant. "Right so I'll just... roll up the back of sweatshirt. 

"I mean, it would be easier if you just-" He gave me his infamous smirk. "Took it off. Less effort on mine and your part." I laughed until I realized he was being serious. "I mean you are my girlfriend." 

"Right..." I sighed, and realized he was right anyways, He was gonna see my back either way. I took of my sweatshirt, and I had to turn to the mirror to hide my blush and awkwardness since my ONE DAY boyfriend was staring at me in a black sports bra and sweatpants. 

He smirked. "Damn, do you work out?" 

"Yes I Mr.Riddle. What, I have a nice body?" 

"You know you do. We're gonna discuss this Loren thing later, and then we should discuss about making smart decisions. I mean, this was stupid, and it could've ended up horribly. We will discuss this tomorrow." 

"Who are you, my dad?" I quickly realized I messed up with what I said. 

"If you want me to be." He smirked and I mentally smacked myself.  "And.... all done." 

"Thanks." I was still facing the mirror as I was blushing severely. "Uh, can you hand me my sweatshirt?" I got no response. "Uh, Mattheo?" 

I squealed in shock when I was turned around very quickly, his arms on the sides of mine, and my legs between his. 

 "Woah there Riddle." His muscular body leaned more over me. His eyes darting from my eyes to my lips. My breath hitched, from the closeness and anticipation. He was fucking teasing me. I was waiting for him to do something, but to no avail. He traced my waist using his thumbs, but he didn't do anything. I couldn't take it much longer and I pushed his face to mine from the back of his head. Butterflies immediately erupting in my stomach. He lifted me onto the counter and kept his hands on my waist.  One of my hands was caught up in his curly hair.  

We both quickly moved to the bed, him on top of me. This was nice, this was actually AMAZING! That was until we heard a huge clash from the room next to us. He groaned and flopped back down on his back. 

"Such a turn off." He smacked his head with his hand.  

I give you soft Mattheo <33 ur welcome, I lead you on, didn't I??? 

"Tsk tsk, Mr.Riddle, I got to escape your lecture." I got up before getting pulled back down him. His arms wrapped around my arms and waist as he snuggled his face into my neck. 

I felt my shoulders, arms, legs, everything relax. It was nice to not feel so tense after so long. I held one of his hands, squeezing it. He moved one of his arms to play around with my hair. This probably went on for another 2 minutes before we heard the sound of a vase breaking. 

"Seriously?" Mattheo sat up, me still in his arms. "That is the second time this night." 

"Well I should get going. As much as I want to stay, we have classes tomorrow, and Hermione is going to throw A FIT!" 

I get up and leave, but before leaving I put on my sweatshirt, earning a smile from Mattheo. 

"Bye Snow." 

I left feeling accomplished, as if I had done something, when really, I hadn't. There was an advantage to dating your best friend. You already know a lot about each other so you can skip the getting to know each other and get to the lovey dovey bit, until you have even more deep convos, which are amazing may I say. 

Thanks for reading!!! This was a whole ROLLERCOASTER of emotions. Angry. Sad. Happy. Needy 🤓. But yea, please COMMENT and VOTE! It helps a lot! Also, it is getting REALLY windy. Go buy a sweatshirt. 

Word count: 2143

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