Chapter Thirty Eight: A Society of Lies and Hate

Start from the beginning

Ethan could no longer handle looking at the Supernova and turned away from the window. Every second of looking at it reminded him of the Cardassian Empire's plans of conquering the Federation. He loved the Federation dearly and was fully committed to the ideals of the Federation. The very thought of the Federation being destroyed by an invading power sickened him to the stomach and made him want to vomit. But he kept himself together, knowing that the mission ahead was a difficult one indeed and difficult times called for determined people. Ethan then looked over at Ada, who was sitting in a chair behind the Romulan pilot and co-pilot. As Ethan looked at the two Romulans he thought about how his son, Lucas, was of two species and how the Romulans were the Vulcans sibling species. During the Time of Awakening Surak's teachings of logic in favour of emotion were embraced by the majority of the population. But some people opposed it and fled Vulcan on primitive star ships. They eventually came across the planet Romulus and established their empire. By the time contact was re-established with their Vulcan brothers and sisters, the Romulans had evolved into a new sub-species of Vulcans. They still had the pointed ears, yes. But they also had a ridge on their foreheads shaped like the Human letter V and a greener skin tone. But they could no longer perform mind melds and did not undergo the Pon Farr Like T'Vrell had almost two years earlier.

Ambassador Spock, despite being only half Vulcan, had begun his mission of reunifying the Romulans with the Vulcans many years earlier and had sadly perished before he could see his work complete. That is if it ever was to be complete. When T'Vrell was a child, she believed that reunification with the Romulans would never happen. But after watching one of Spock's speeches regarding reunification during a history lecture at the Academy, she became a full believer in reunification and hoped to see it happen one day in her lifetime. Since the establishment of Mol'Rihan, or "New Romulus", as it was said in English, the Romulan Republic had invited Vulcan settlers to New Romulus and well over twenty million Vulcans had joined the fifty million Romulans and thirty million Remans living on the planet. An additional twenty eight million Romulans had also settled on Vulcan following the Hobus Supernova in which Romulus was destroyed, thus at long last, albeit unofficially, reuniting the two species.

As Ethan thought heavily about this, the pilot of the runnabout turned his chair around and said "We're entering transport range. I suggest Ada change shape to that of a Cardassian." Ada then stood up and said "Alirght, but I'll need a photo or something of a Cardassian." Hiven pressed a few buttons on his console and photos of every angle of a Cardassian woman appeared on the console screen. Ada walked over to the console and carefully looked at each photo. After memorizing all of the details, Ada began to change her shape. Her body quickly began to look like it's usual gelatinous form that it was whenever she shapeshifted and she began to change shape to that of a Cardassian woman. After the shapeshifting was complete, Ada looked like the Cardassian woman in the photo. She had greyish-white skin, scaled snake like ridges, two long ridges above her eyes and an inverted tear shaped ridge on her forehead. Ada then looked back at Ethan and asked "How do I look?" To which Ethan answered with a smile "Like someone about to stop the Cardassian Empire." Ada then gathered all of her courage together, ready to stop the Cardassian Empire before they could unleash the Supernova on the Galaxy and said "I'm ready." Ethan then aimed his hand at the transporter pad and said "Then let's find out how to stop the Supernova."

Ada then walked past Ethan and stood atop the transporter pad. Ethan then walked over to the pilot and said "Set the coordinates for an alleyway where no one will notice her." The pilot obliged and set them for an alleyway with many waste disposal containers across it. As the coordinates were finally set in, Ethan looked over at Ada and said "Remember, try not to do anything suspicious and don't look straight at someone for too long. If anyone notices you looking at the landmarks and buildings strangely, tell them that your new to the Capital and are just getting to know the different parts of the city." Ada nodded her head and said "Yes Sir. Wish me luck then." Ethan gave Ada a nod of respect, looked at the pilot and said "Energise." The pilot obliged and Ada was engulfed in the green sparkles of energy of a Romulan transportation.

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