Chapter 7 - The Unsolvable Riddle

Start from the beginning

Percy scowled as Tom turned back around and vanished into the darkness of the hallway.

Tom's career didn't often allow him to use his favourite spells and curses the way he would have preferred.

He smirked to himself as he relished what great fun he had just enjoyed!


The judge who had presided over Harriet's case sat in his damask chambers as he frowned and looked over a document on his desk until a knock fell on his door.

"Come in!" The judge called.

The door opened and Tom stepped inside the room.

The judge looked up and furrowed his brow at his unwanted visitor as he frowned, "Mr. unexpected."

"May I sit, your honour?" Tom asked politely.

"..........You may." The judge replied as he eyed Tom suspiciously, "However, I must say that since you are not directly involved in the Weasley's case, we may not speak of it."

"Of course, sir." Tom nodded as he sat down, "I understand."

"Then may I ask the reason behind your visit, Mr. Riddle?" The judge scowled.

"I need a favor, you see." Tom explained with a charming smile.

As he spoke, he withdrew his wand from his pocket and slipped it into his hand, careful not to let the judge notice.

"And what favor can I possibly do for St. Mungo's Head Healer?" The judge sniffed.

A moment of tense silence passed before the atmosphere in the room became subtly ominous as a wicked smirk crept onto Tom's face.

The judge's mouth fell open in fright seconds before Tom brandished his wand at him and hissed, "Imperio!"

The judge's eyes dilated as his expression went slack while Tom rose from his chair with a mirthful cackle.

"Now then, your honour," Tom laughed mockingly, "I actually have several favors I need you to do for me.......Firstly, you are to finalize Harriet and Ronald Weasley's divorce immediately.....Go on! I'll wait while you complete the proper documentation."

The judge said nothing in response as he obediently took a quill into his hand, dipped its tip into the bottle of ink on his desk, and began to scribble frantically on the correct piece of parchment.

Once he handed Tom the completed document that legally declared Ron and Harriet no longer a married couple, Tom grinned and nodded, ", you'll reverse the unwise decision you made...Harriet Potter will have sole custody of her children.....and Weasley will not be present for the upcoming birth......Write that down! Make it so!"

Unquestioningly, the judge calmly retrieved an entirely different parchment and hurriedly began to write.

Before he handed it to Tom, he took out two smaller blank pieces of parchment and penned letters bearing his signature.

Once those letters had been signed and sealed, he handed them back to the dark wizard in front of himself, along with the official, signed divorce decree.

As Tom reviewed the documents, a wide grin spread across his lips as a low chuckle of amusement issued from his throat.

"Thank you, your honour." He teased with a low bow, "......For your humble service."

Instead of ending his Unforgivable Curse immediately, Tom flourished his wrist with a great cry and kept it pointed at the judge's head while he performed a complex memory charm associated with the Dark Arts.

Saving Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle to the RescueWhere stories live. Discover now