Chapter 6 - Day in Court

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While Harriet slept that night, dreams of waking and showing her gratitude to Tom with a true lover's kiss played through her mind.

Once she opened her eyes the next morning, she frowned as she discovered that he had already woken and left for his day at the hospital.

Harriet sighed to herself and stood from her nest.

She couldn't help but notice the disappointment that filled her heart, not from waking alone, but from realizing how silly her idea seemed.

She would soon be a divorcee with two young children fathered by an ex-husband.

What alpha would ever want to be involved with that situation?

Harriet had never been one to easily detect romantic advances from others.

She still didn't quite understand that Tom would have gladly accepted a kiss from her as a precious gift.


Harriet corralled her desires, although as her belly and her affinity for Tom grew, she found that harder and harder to do.

Tom found himself drawn to Harriet more than ever before as his feelings for her combined with her delicious scent to send his alpha instincts into overdrive.

As he woke up next to Harriet each morning, shared dinners with her, and cradled her in his arms each night, he looked forward to her approaching court date.

Tom Riddle was determined to defend his future omega against their enemy.

He intended to help Harriet get a swift and comprehensive divorce along with the complete custodial rights to her children.

He needed Ronald Weasley to move out of his way.

The Head Healer of St. Mungo's, heir of Slytherin, and renowned Dark Wizard was ready to stake his claim.


Harriet felt infinitely grateful that her dear friend Tom accompanied her to Ministry Courtroom C26 one week after Ron had delivered his ominous letter.

Isabelle had been dropped off at the Burrow for the morning and left under the kind care of her grandparents, Molly and Arthur.

Since their granddaughter's conception, the couple had been placed in a difficult position between Ron and Harriet.

Tom hadn't minded that the Weasleys had only thrown him pleasant smiles of forced politeness.

Harriet remained his only concern.

As he helped the heavily pregnant omega travel to the Ministry that morning, he kept a hand hovering protectively over her lower back while she walked along.

"Really, I'm alright." Harriet nodded at him as they approached the courtroom.

They stopped in front of the door and Tom reached out to open it while Harriet looked into his face as she spoke, "Thanks......for being here, Tom."

"I'll always be beside you, Harriet Potter." Tom replied with a charming smile.

"I'm a bit nervous." She admitted with a laugh as Tom opened the door to the courtroom and stood to the side to allow her to enter first.

"You have nothing to fear from Weasley." Tom reassured her in his low purr.

She glanced back at him as he smirked while he walked behind her.

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